Tuntun tries to appease Bihari and attests that he has accept Krishna's Proposal to retaliate for Pinky's affront. He includes that he needed Krishna and her Family to make arrangements for the Wedding just with the goal that he can thwart their arrangements finally. Tuntun states that on the Wedding day, he would force Pintu to dismiss the Proposal and affront Krishna simply the way he offended Pinky before. He trusts that nobody could ever wed Krishna after Pintu rejects the proposition. Tuntun requests that Bihari help him in his arrangement. He likewise requests that Bihari go with him to Vidyapati's home. At the point when Pintu visits Vidyapati's home to persuade the Family to accept his proposition, Ravi requests that he take off. Vidyapati prevents Ravi from being self-important and tries to persuade Pintu to alter his opinion. He tells Pintu that Vidyapati and Ganga could never acknowledge Krishna. Around then, Tuntun touches base alongside Bihari and Dihati. Vidyapati and his family get shocked when Tuntun reports that he was prepared to acknowledge Krishna's proposition. Bihari tries to persuade Vidyapati to accept the Proposal. Tuntun too tries to persuade Vidyapati. At the point when Vidyapati acknowledges the proposition, Tuntun asks for him not to illuminate Ganga until Pintu and Krishna get Married. Tuntun requests that the intellectual select a mahurat for Pintu and Krishna's Wedding. Tuntun chooses the mahurat the next day for tilak and Engagement. Krishna and her Family are content with the cooperation and Celebrate it. Then, Pinky arrangements to thwart Krishna's Happiness.
Pintu misses Ganga and remembers the moments went through with her. Ganga, who had gone out and had gone to her maternal house, too misses Pintu. The twosome remembers the episode wherein Pintu was attempting to prevent Ganga from going out. Next morning, Krishna inspires prepared to go to work. Krishna is going to leave when Saraswati stops her. Saraswati advises Krishna not to go to the workplace as Ravi and Vidyapati had gone to Tuntun's home for Pintu's tilak service. Tuntun invites Ravi and Vidyapati for the tilak Ceremony. The Families cheer when Pintu plays out the Rituals. After the Ceremony, Tuntun asks for Vidyapati to get Pintu and Krishna wedded on the next day itself. To persuade Vidyapati, Tuntun lies that the intellectual had said that the following day's mahurat was the most promising. Vidyapati has no other choice yet to acknowledge Tuntun's choice. After Vidyapati leaves, Tuntun requests that Bihari procure a few goons to seize Pintu from the wedding mandap. Tuntun arranges that after Pintu's snatching he would tell the visitors that the marriage was against Pintu's desire and along these lines he more likely than not got away. He likewise plans to blame Krishna for compelling Pintu into Marriage. At the point when Bihari finds out about Tuntun's arrangement, he cheers.
Saraswati alarms on discovering that Tuntun has chosen a mahurat on the next day for Krishna and Pintu's wedding. Vidyapati conciliates Saraswati and states that Tuntun needed to lead the Wedding as the mahurat was propitious. Vidyapati chooses to advise the decorator to make game plans for the Wedding Mandap. Krishna feels regretful for not advising Ganga about her and Pintu's marriage. She additionally expects that Ganga may not acknowledge her as her little girl in-law after the wedding. Krishna rings Pintu and shares her trepidation with him. Pintu tries to appease Krishna and declares that Ganga was benevolent hearted and that would acknowledge her. Krishna gets glad when Manisha and her Husband arrive. In the mean time, Bihari expects that Pinky may thwart Tuntun and his arrangement of getting her wedded to Pintu. He, in this manner, secures up Pinky a room and imparts his trepidation to Dihati. Pinky sobs for help yet comes up short. Bihari likewise tells Dihati that he would not open the entryway until the goons abduct Pintu. Later, Bihari enlists a few goons and discloses his arrangement to them. He instructs them to kidnap Pintu from the Wedding venue. Krishna's family invites Pintu and his Family to the wedding venue. According to the customs, the bridesmaids ransack the lucky man's shoes. Chanchal arrangements to shroud Pintu's shoes. Sonu advises Pintu to hand over his shoes to him before he goes into the mandap. Swati tries to welcome Pintu's consideration, so that Chanchal can victimize his shoes. Amid the discussion, a man comes and tells Pintu that Tuntun has summoned him. Pintu tails him out of the venue just to understand that he had been encompassed by a group of goons.
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