Tuesday 4 October 2016

Update On forbidden Love

Vivan and Veera to leave without her that she will join them in office. She goes to Kushan and ask him to drop her in office as they both left her behind. All three are happy working together in office. 

Kushan comes to meet Veera but they all are in meeting, Kushan leave two tickets of play and a note to come at auditorium. Amisha sees these tickets and note,hides them from Veera.

They get the contract and want to celebrate. They plan for a movie, Veera wants Kushan to join them But couldn't trace him.Amisha makes an excuse that you both leave I have to mail important data to client after that I will join you. Amisha comes home Kushan ask her where is Veera , she reply Veera & Vivan went for a movie. Kushan wonders why she has not came for the play and went for movie? He sees coming them together and laughing.

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