Monday 25 July 2016

Rio Olympics 2016: Wada criticises IOC for failing to ban Russian team

Rio Olympics 2016 

The World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) is "disappointed" its recommendation to ban Russia from next month's Olympic Games in Rio has been rejected.

Olympic organisers have left the decision to ban Russian athletes, following the country's doping scandal, to individual sports' federations.

The Games get under way on 5 August.

Wada "stands by" its recommendation last month of a full Russia team ban and have criticised the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) approach.

"It will inevitably lead to a lack of harmonization, potential challenges and lesser protection for clean athletes," said Wada director general Olivier Niggli.

Wada president Sir Craig Reedie said investigators had "exposed, beyond a reasonable doubt, a state-run doping program in Russia that seriously undermines the principles of clean sport embodied within the World Anti-Doping Code."

There was also concern expressed for Yulia Stepanova, the Russian runner whose evidence was behind the doping evidence discovered, but will not be allowed to compete in Rio under a neutral flag.

"Wada has been very vocal in supporting Yulia's desire to compete as an independent athlete," added Niggli.

"Ms Stepanova was instrumental in courageously exposing the single biggest doping scandal of all time. Wada is very concerned by the message that this sends whistleblowers for the future."

Russia decision 'a confusing mess'

Olympic organisers have been accused of a lack of leadership and creating a "confusing mess" over the Russia decision.

The United States Anti-Doping Association (Usada) said the IOC had delivered a "significant blow to the rights of clean athletes."

"Many, including clean athletes and whistleblowers, have demonstrated courage and strength in confronting a culture of state-supported doping and corruption within Russia," said Usada chief Travis Tygart.

"Disappointingly, however, in response to the most important moment for clean athletes and the integrity of the Olympic Games, the IOC has refused to take decisive leadership."

The IOC also ruled that any Russian athlete who has served a doping ban will not be eligible for the Games.

That means it will not allow whistleblower Stepanova to compete as a neutral athlete in Rio.

Tygart added: "The decision to refuse her entry into the Games is incomprehensible and will undoubtedly deter whistleblowers in the future from coming forward."

Reaction to IOC Russia decision

Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko: "We are very grateful to the International Olympic Committee for the fact that in choosing between collective responsibility and the rights of individual athletes, it took the decision that every athlete whose reputation today is untarnished, who is clean, without doping, has the right to compete in the Olympics."

UK Sports Minister Tracey Crouch: "While this is solely a decision for the International Olympic Committee the scale of the evidence in the McLaren report arguably pointed to the need for stronger sanctions rather than leaving it to the international federations at this late stage.

"There is clearly more work to be done to protect the integrity of sport on a global scale.

"No stone should be left unturned to ensure that athletes can compete on a level playing field."

British IOC member Adam Pengilly: "I believe that the Russian federation has mocked the Olympic movement and I worry about the future of clean sport, I worry about the future for clean athletes, the Olympic movement and the Olympic Games.

"Some have suggested the IOC has passed the buck and I'd have to agree. There's been an abdication of responsibility here."

World marathon record holder and four-time Olympian Paula Radcliffe: "While I applaud no athlete going to the Games who has previously served a doping suspension, this cannot fairly be only Russian athletes.

"A truly strong message for clean sport would have been to ban all those who have been caught cheating.

"In short, it does not send the clear message it could have done, that doping and cheating in all Olympic sport will never be tolerated."

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