Richard Simmons was transported to a Los Angeles hospital on Friday night from his Hollywood Hills, California, home, due to dehydration, he has said in a statement."Thank you to everyone who has reached out with love and concern after hearing I was in the hospital," Simmons said in a statement obtained by PEOPLE. " I was dehydrated and needed some fluids and now I am feeling great! Summer is here – drink plenty of liquids. Big hugs and kisses for caring."
TMZ originally reported that someone present in Simmons' home called 911 just before midnight on Friday. The fitness guru was then taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for a medical evaluation.
The Los Angeles Fire Department confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that they responded to an 11:52 p.m. call at Simmons' home on Friday, but would not specify who was rushed to the hospital via ambulance.
The star was reportedly released from the hospital on Saturday, according to TMZ.
In March, Simmons' rep, Tom Estey, shut down rumors that the star was allegedly being held against his will inside his home, calling the reports "untrue and preposterous."
Within the last few years, Simmons has retreated from spotlight, attributing it to a knee injury.
Simmons' Facebook page continued to share posts through Friday and Saturday, mostly of links to articles and old photos.
Simmons most recently shared a photo through Facebook earlier this week, showing the fitness guru standing next to a group of tattooed men while wearing temporary decals.
He joked, "Do these tattoos make me look tough?"
TMZ originally reported that someone present in Simmons' home called 911 just before midnight on Friday. The fitness guru was then taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for a medical evaluation.
The Los Angeles Fire Department confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that they responded to an 11:52 p.m. call at Simmons' home on Friday, but would not specify who was rushed to the hospital via ambulance.
The star was reportedly released from the hospital on Saturday, according to TMZ.
In March, Simmons' rep, Tom Estey, shut down rumors that the star was allegedly being held against his will inside his home, calling the reports "untrue and preposterous."
Within the last few years, Simmons has retreated from spotlight, attributing it to a knee injury.
Simmons' Facebook page continued to share posts through Friday and Saturday, mostly of links to articles and old photos.
Simmons most recently shared a photo through Facebook earlier this week, showing the fitness guru standing next to a group of tattooed men while wearing temporary decals.
He joked, "Do these tattoos make me look tough?"
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