Tuesday 24 May 2016

Pregnant man gives ‘birth’


Pregnant Man 
Thomas Beatie generated a lot of attention back in 2008. Nicknamed ‘The Pregnant Man’ by the media, Beatie was the subject of a documentary film and appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, describing his experiences as being a pregnant, transgender man. While Beatie’s media attention has faded, the Chinese media have found a new individual to dub The Pregnant Man.

The man, Zhang Chan, wants nothing to do with the title, however. The 33-year-old, from the city of Leshan, which is located in the southwestern Sichuan Province, has slowly seen his stomach expand over the last ten years.

Early in 2004, he went for medical tests at a local hospital due to discomfort in his stomach. Two years later, doctors found a lump in his stomach. By 2011, the lump had increased to the size of a beach ball.

As Chan began considering his options, he spoke with countless physicians. They told him that the tumor was pressing on his internal organs, in particular his bladder and intestines, but that it would be too dangerous to remove.

As he lost control of his bowels, Chan’s family worked tirelessly to raise money for a specialist surgeon to remove the dangerous growth.

The money was finally raised at the beginning of 2016, and the procedure was performed in April. Dr. Dai Ruiwu, lead surgeon at the Military General Hospital in Chengu, performed the intricate, six-hour operation. He ended up removing a tumor which tipped the scales at over 33 pounds.

It was sent to the lab, where tests were run to determine if it was cancerous. Those results have not yet been released. Zhang is resting comfortably in the hospital as doctors continue to monitor the recovery of his internal organs after having been compressed for so many years. The perpetually single Chan has already received multiple offers for dates.

According to his sisters, who have kept a close eye on him over the last few years, he’s appealing to women now that he’s famous and has ‘lost the baby weight.’ For the sake of his health, hopefully he never puts on baby weight again.

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