Monday 30 May 2016

Osinbajo: wilderness pains in Nigeria’ll soon be gone

Vice Nigeria

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has enjoined Nigerians not to lose hope as God’s hand is upon the nation.
Osinbajo spoke at the Democracy Day Inter-Denominal Service at the Christian Centre Abuja,

The event also marks the 1st year of the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The Vice President was represented by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara

He said: “All so soon, one year has passed. The word of the psalmist in Psalm 90:12 on an occasion like this comes to mind: “Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom”.

“As we count our days so also must we count our blessings and the promises of God for our great country. For indeed God has been faithful to us as a nation.

“Many nations may not have withstood the several pressures and challenges that continue to confront us as a people. But by God’s grace, we still continue to stand and we will prevail.

“Although it appears as though these are trying times, I am confident that the Lord’s work of restoration will surely bring Nigeria to the promise land- and Nigeria shall fulfill its purpose of being a land flowing with milk and honey for all her people.

“But as scripture reminds us, God will only act and quicken his work of healing our nation when His people act with the integrity of heart and seek his face in prayer and repentance.”

Osinbajo said the startling levels of wrongdoing by people of influence who also profess faith in Christ have added in no small means to the current condition of the nation.

“As people of faith we have to be deeply aware of our faith, and not just observe the rituals of professing Him while ignoring the conscience of virtuous action.

“So here’s an attempt to reflect aloud on what we must continue to set our sights on- all of us- Christians in government, in business, and other places of influence.

“Our faith starts and ends with the example of Jesus. Jesus’ main preoccupation in His first coming, was the lives of people, the poor, sick, and rejected. Jesus goes so far as to suggest that caring for the poor—or neglecting to do so—is caring for or neglecting Him.

“As Christians, we must take the welfare of the poor and vulnerable in our society very seriously. We must detest all acts of corruption that take away resources that could address the needs of the poor and put them in private hands.

“Also, we must champion giving, and support systems that promote this objective. This is why I am appealing to you Brothers and Sisters to begin to pray for this administration’s Social Investment Programme.

“This plan as a first of its kind intends to provide hope and substance to millions of our brothers and sisters who are struggling to survive. We must become personal champions of this programme.

The Vice President while using Jesus as an example said “We must be humble and place the interest of others above ours. We must shun the clannishness that rejects as strangers those who are not of our ethnic stock. We must sacrifice what we must, voluntarily, as we press forward to the Promised Land.

“The glory of a restored Nigeria is in your actions, sacrifices and prayers. I believe that God who has brought us this far will not take us back again. The wilderness pangs that we feel now will soon be gone. Herein lies our hope, herein lies our confidence that God is with us and He will never let us stumble.”

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