Thursday 6 October 2016

Update On Silver Lining

Revati accuses Isha for having an affair with Shravan furthermore reprimands her to be of a loose-character. Isha tries in vain to clarify that she is innocent and says that she had gone to the servant quarters to meet Sam in the wake of receiving his message.
Sam denies sending any message to Isha and Isha is left shocked. Revati mortifies Isha and says that she just desires Sam's money. Shravan gets incensed on seeing Isha's affront and talks up to Revati. Sam is exceptionally furious and declines to trust Isha. He requests that Isha leave from that point. Isha is sad. Sam is broken as he feels that Isha has cheated on him. Isha gets stunned as Shravan showing her the letter he had received. Isha recognized Ira's handwriting and understands that the letter was sent to him by her. Revati incites Sam against Isha and requests that he break up with her. Girish comes there and requests that Sam check the sent messages in his phone. Sam is paralyzed to see the messages sent to Isha by his phone. Sam fails to comprehend who more have done it. Devki comes there and proclaims that she knows who had sent those messages to Isha. Before Devki could say anything further, Revati concedes her crime. Sam gets dazed as Revati admits that she had sent the messages as she wanted to break Sam and Isha's relation. Sam is disheartened on knowing reality and stands up to Revati for attempting to create troubles amongst him and Isha. Sam breaks all ties with Revati and even says that he doesn't want her to attend his and Isha's wedding. Revati is dazed.

Revati is raging with annoyance and holds Isha responsible for Sam's attitude aowards her. Revati is resolved to decimate Isha's life totally and Ira to collaborates with her. Ira guarantees that exclusive she will marry Sam and be her daughter-in-law. Isha feels loathsome as she understands that Ira had never forgiven her and still loves Sam. Sam comes to meet Isha and apologizes to her for his conduct. Sam tells Isha that Revati had planned to separate them and subsequently, he has even banished her from attending their wedding. Shravan feels terrible as Isha is offended by Revati and Sam and chooses to marry her at any cost. Isha tells  Devki that she wouldn't like to wed Sam as Ira still loves him. Isha shows the letter to Devki and says that it was sent to Shravan by Ira. Devki tries in vain to make Isha understand. Sam's nanny whom everybody affectionately calls Daai Maa comes to Ojha house. Sam brings Daai Maa home for his wedding with the goal that she can perform the rituals in place of Revati. Revati is harmed by this. On her wedding day, Isha preys to God to give her strength to take the right choice. 

Ira goes to Isha's home furthermore gets the wedding dress for her. Isha sees that the wedding dress is small in size. Ira says that it is the designer's fault however Isha trusts that Ira has deliberately got the dress little in size. Isha requests that Ira uncover her actual feelings to her. Isha questions Ira if still loves Sam and on the off chance that she excessively planned to separate her from Sam. Isha shows her the letter she had written to Shravan and requests that her uncover the truth. Ira at long last ends her hush and uncovers the truth to Isha that she despises her. Ira admits that she loves Sam and joined forces with Revati to separate them. Ira tells Isha that she abhorred her from the day she cleared out her to die in the fire which inundated Sanskar orphanage 10 years back. Isha gets incensed and slaps Ira. Isha tries in vain to make Ira see however Ira declines to pay regard. Ira goes up against Isha and points the finger at her for destroying her and Sam's relationship. Ira tells Isha that she will destroy her life and even separate her from Sam. Isha needs to see Ira glad and chooses to get her married to Sam. Daai Maa favors Sam as he gets prepared for his wedding to Isha. Sam and other relatives leave for the wedding when Revati expresses her desire to join them. Sam tells Revati that she can come for the wedding but just as visitor and not as his mom. Sam says that Revati won't be permitted to perform any rituals as his mom. Isha tells Ira to wear her wedding dress and sit for the wedding with a veil on her face. Devki comes there and cautions Ira not to create any issues in Sam and Isha's wedding ceremony. Devki promises to get Isha and Sam wedded. Shravan too reaches the wedding venue. Isha spruces up Ira as the bride.

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