Thursday 13 October 2016

Update On Forbidden Love

Kushan speaks to himself one side he thinks Veera is innocent and other side he thinks she is wrong she couldn't forgot her first love in the end he breaks down and cries.
Reema couldn't believe that Kushan can do this to Veera. All family wonders why Veera left the house ? Kushan comes and tells everybody Vivan is the reason of Veera leaving the house, they were in love before my marriage and they had hide this truth from me, and they continued meeting after marriege. Vivan tries to prove is his truth ness but Kushan doesn't believe. Kushan pushes him out of the house and throws cd on his face and says this is the proof . Vivan and Veera wonders how this cd reaches to Kushan. Vivan thinks something and leave. Vivan finds some copies of the same cd in Amisha's room. Vivan says to Amisha what had happened with Kushan is good. I couldn't see Veera with Kushan now I can get Veera very easily. Amisha I have done all this for you. I also love Kushan, now we can get our love. Veera comes and says, so it was you, who have done this? Amisha is shocked.

Veera. confronts Amisha. Amisha says he was my childhood love how could I let him go easily ? I have done what I thought was Wright. Vivan takes Amisha to Kusahn and informs him all confusions between you and Veera is created by her, but Kushan doesn't believe him he says I am not a kid I believe what I have seen with my eyes. Sid comes to Shweta with Neha and tells her I have decided to marry Neha and I know it is against you and I am leaving the house. Shweta remembers Reema's words and softens and accept Neha. Vivan takes last chance to prove Veera's and his innocence, he calls Veera and Kushan to some place, Veera ask him why are you trying to convince Kushan he will never believe on us. Kushan comes and become angry to see them together and he was about to leave, Vivan says Big b I have a proof Veera also tries to stop Kushan Vivan take out gun and keep on his head, Kushan sees this and tries to take off the gun but bullet gets fired on Vivan . Everybody in hospital Vivan is out of danger. Kushan now believed on them and says sorry to Vivan and Veera. Amisha also comes there and says sorry for what she have done to Kushan and Veera. Now they all are very happy Sid got married to Neha and Vivan also got married with Megha and they have child.

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