Wednesday 27 December 2017

TB1 - God Saved Me From Being An Armed Robber

Michael Omoria is the birth name of TB1, one of Nigeria’s top gospel rapper.
In this interview with Ifeoma Ononye, TB1 which is the acronym of The Blessed One, a name he says was inspired by the Holy Spirit, speaks on his ‘Overdose’ album, how God saved him from being an armed robber and among other things.

You are a gospel rap artiste and we know the kind of criticism that follows rap let alone infusing Gods words into it. Many say rap music is not of God, have you gotten this kind of criticism about your kind of gospel before?
I got that a lot, not from my parents because my parents were happy about the kind of music I do. They were happy about it. I got the criticism from people when I was just starting my career in gospel rap. A lady walked up to me and said ‘do you know you adopted this style of music from the world’ and I asked why would she say that because the bible let us to know that all good and perfect gifts are from above. It is God who gives gifts; the devil does not give gifts. The devil only pollutes the gifts that God has given to you. It was in the past that people thought that way. If I get such criticism now, I would probably ask where you have been, times have changed.

There is a general believe that every gospel artiste is a born again, so are you one?
I am a born again Christian. I have never come across any gospel artiste who is not. I became a born again before I started gospel rap. I first started music as a secular artiste doing music for the world but when I got born again, I switched over to gospel music.
How did the secular music go, where you more successful back then before gospel rap?
It was not easy when I got born again because at that time, rap music was not acceptable in churches and also by people but I kept pushing on. I kept doing what I was doing believing that it will get better. I got born again in 2002 and in 2010; I did a song with Frank Edward, ‘You Too Dey Bless Me’. That was the song that paved way for gospel rap music in Nigeria. That song made people know who TB1 is. The song brought us out. When I first got born again, I kept asking God, how am I going to rap what am I going to talk about? The spirit of God told me he will put words into my mouth. I started studying his word. As I kept studying I was getting to know more about God. Before the end of one year I had given myself, I started writing and in 2008 I released my first album titled ‘Na So!
Your collection got ‘The Best Song Of 2015’, Tell us about us about it
That DVD was produced by Believers Love World, aka Christ Embassy. It is a collection of several performances of our ministry programmes and concerts. They picked the best out of every programme and merged it together. The best songs of 2015 is an award given to everyone that has a song in the DVD.
You have been on several tours, you were supposed to be in Cameroon but you seem to have cancelled the trip, what happened?
Other tours I have been on, I was invited to come and sing and minster. I was supposed to have my own first Overdose concert in Cameroon; we could not have it because of the crisis going on in Cameroon. Overdose is my new album. It is my third album. In October I was in Uganda, South Africa and Kenya on the same gospel music tour. They got to know my song and put the call through and there I was ministering.
I read on your Instagram handle about a popular secular music artiste in Cameroon that changed from secular music to gospel rap music because of your music, was it your album that transformed his life?
Yes that was my second album titled ‘Na So’. The boy’s mum gave the testimony that her son was into drugs and he was into secular music. The boy had tattoos all over his body. She has been looking for a way to draw him back to God. She wanted him to do the same kind of music but for God and in 2012 she listened to me rap at the international Pastors conference and went to a CD store to get my album. She played it for her son and that was how his life turned around. G4 is a gospel rap artiste and one of the biggest in Cameroon now. It is always a privilege for me to impact someone’s life. I feel blessed and privilege when I perform in front of a crowd.
Back then, when you were not yet a born again, are there bad habits you thank God you got rid of when you became saved by his word?
God saved me from being an armed robber. There was a time I was almost lured into robbery because of the area I grew up. Where I grew up, in the barracks everyone wanted the good life, latest clothes, latest shoes and jewelry. Everyone wanted to live the fly life. And the only way to such fast money was robbery. I had friends who used to rob people and they got killed. By the time I was about making up my mind to join them, I believe the prayers of my parents saved me. Music came and took my mind off going into stealing. I thank God for what he has made me to be. If I were a robber, I would have been dead today and all the lives I have touched with my gospel music only God can tell where those lives would have been. And all those fly life and fancy things I wanted I have them all now. Seek he first the kingdom of God and every other thing will be added unto you, the clean clothes, expensive clothes, care and all will be added when you seek the kingdom. I have all abundantly. I have more than enough. I lack nothing now.
So you can say the gospel is paying off?
Yes it is. The gospel music is a ministry. Money is important. You cannot separate it. It is 100% business and 100% ministering. The question is what is your focus? If your focus is on the ministering, money will follow, Because God cannot give you a vision without a provision.
Do you get paid for every performance?
Not every show. There are some that are meant for charity.

But being a gospel rap artiste does not mean girls don’t drool over you, how many female admirers do you have?
I don’t know. I have had stalkers that I blocked on Whatsapp. The girl wanted something that I cannot give.

Source: Independent Newspaper

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