Monday, 17 October 2016

Tuesday Update On Silver Lining

She also states that Sam stopped the car at a disengaged place and attempted to molest her. Sam however rejects her claim and tries to prove that he is innocent.
Ira calls up Revati and says that she will pay off the lady to reclaim her grievance against Sam. Isha is determined to prove that Sam is innocent and points a gun at the lady. Isha undermines the lady that she will kill her in the event that she doesn't uncover the truth. The lady runs to save herself in this manner shows that she was lying and her foot was not injured. Further, the lady confesses that Sam is innocent and she tried to frame him just for cash. Sam is released from the lock-up and the lady gets arrested for making false accusations. Sam and Isha resolve their misunderstandings and Sam offers water to Isha to break her fast. Ira and Revati are aggravated so far again as Isha foils their plan. Revati fears that Sam and Isha have resolved their differences and might draw near to each other. Later when Sam returns home, Daai Maa informs that Isha has disappeared. Sam gets stunned to hear this. Sam and Girish go to find Isha. Revati accept that Ira probably kidnapped Isha and goes to meet her. Revati gets stunned on realizing that Ira has not done anything.

Everybody frenzies and searches for Isha. Sam is strained and expect that Shravan probably kidnapped Isha. Sam goes to Shravan's garage and attacks him. Sam blames Shravan for kidnapping Isha yet Shravan dismisses the claim. Daai Maa requests that Shravan swear upon her and uncover the truth. Shravan says that he has not kidnapped Isha. Sam is upset as he is unable to find Isha. Daai Maa requests that Revati pray before the "Tulsi" plant for Isha's prosperity. Revati and Ira pray in front of the Tulsi plant so that Isha never returns. Revati sprinkles the water on the plant and sadly Isha is found lying unconscious on the opposite side of the Tulsi plant. Sam rushed Isha inside and calls a doctor. The doctor informs that Isha fell unconscious because of shortcoming and there was nothing to stress over. Sam asks Isha where she had disappeared to which Isha answers that she doesn't recollect that anything. Ira tells Revati that she feels Isha is faking illness to win back Sam's love. Sam takes care of Isha apologizes to her for his discourteous attitude. Revati and Ira overhear their discussion standing outside the room and feel disturbed. When Sam leaves from the room, Revati and Ira insult Isha yet much to their surprise Isha gives them a fitting answer. Isha behaves slyly with Ira and Revati and they are left dazed by the sudden change in Isha's conduct. 

Isha adorns Ojha house for the festival of Diwali. Girish tells Revati that this year Isha will distributing the bonus to the employees. Girish gives a briefcase full of cash to Isha and requests that her keep it in the locker. Girish tells Revati to handover the locker keys to Isha. Ira and Revati get angry on observing Isha's changed behavior and Sam's love towards her. Revati requests that Isha give back the locker keys to her however Isha refuse. Revati is going to slap Isha however Isha stops her and cautions her to mend her ways. Ira and Revati are staggered and plan to deal with Isha. Revati takes out the duplicate keys and rub the cash from the locker. Ira and Revati then go and keep the cash in Isha's cupboard. Girish requests that Isha get the briefcase and disperse the bonus among the servants. Everybody gets stunned on seeing just a some rupees in the briefcase. Revati accuses the workers of having ransacked the money. Girish and Sam fail to trust that the servants have burglarized the money and request that Isha check the locker. Sam says that on the off chance that she fails to find the money in the locker then he lodge a police complaint. Revati requests that the security guards interrogate the servants. The security guards beat some of the servants yet Isha comes there and requests that they stop. Isha uncovers that she has requested that Sam lodge a police complaint as she didn't discover the money in the locker. Isha then requests that the security check every one of the rooms of the family and in addition the servants' quarters.

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