Saturday 3 September 2016

Your music has touched hearts, transformed lives - Danny Nettey's Mother

Danny Nettey MUM Tribute 

Ask every mother who has experienced the loss of a child and she would tell you the most painful feeling in their life is for a mother to bury their child especially one with whom they have spent years together.

No mother wants to cut that tie and that is the feeling of Mrs Beatrice Nettey, mother of gospel icon Danny Nettey, 47, who passed in July.

As the final funeral and burial rites are underway at the forecourt of the Banquet Hall at the State House in Accra, Mrs Nettey speaks of the severed bond in a moving tribute.

"I keep looking at the door, hoping that at any given moment you would walk right in and ask me, “What’s for dinner, Mom?” You would then put your arms around me and ask: “What’s up, Mom?” with that big smile on your face," Mrs Nettey wrote in a tribute to her son.

For a mother whose son told her “Mum, you are going to be fine” as encouraging words when she was shattered by the loss of his late father, she is devasted to as she lay Danny to rest.

"I miss that big smile and that loud infectious laughter that made me want to laugh along with you. That is the kind of person you were; warm, generous, and big-hearted. Even as you teased me, it was never mean-spirited. You did it to make me happy, besides pointing out the obvious," her tribute read.

Below is her tribute

I still can’t believe you are gone; I am shocked, devastated and confused. You were your usual self when we spoke that fateful morning, so you can understand my shock and confusion.

I keep looking at the door, hoping that at any given moment you would walk right in and ask me, “What’s for dinner, Mom?” You would then put your arms around me and ask: “What’s up, Mom?” with that big smile on your face.

I miss that big smile and that loud infectious laughter that made me want to laugh along with you. That is the kind of person you were; warm, generous, and big-hearted. Even as you teased me, it was never mean-spirited. You did it to make me happy, besides pointing out the obvious.

BD, I just want someone to tell me all that is going on is just a dream and not a reality - my heart irks my son. I remember when you were eight years old, the song “End of the Road” was playing on the radio, and you asked me why the singers sounded so sad. You didn’t understand the lyrics to the song, and yet, you instinctively knew it was a song about a personal loss.

Your great sense of empathy and compassion made you feel and understand the crux of the song even as a young boy. So I am not all surprised that you grew up to be a musician with unique lyrics that showed the love of God. “Mum, you are going to be fine” was your encouraging words when I was shattered by the loss of your late father. But today, I am here to lay you to rest.

This reminds me of the words of your release “metease meti mawo, na me wu nso, me wuma wo”. Little did I know that you are prophesying to all humanity that our lives do not belong to us. Now it’s so clear to me my son. Today as I look back, I am so proud you chose music in obedience to the voice of The Giver of Life. I am proud of you to have allowed yourself to be used for Kingdom work. Your music has touched hearts, transformed lives and won many souls into the Kingdom of God.

For love of God, you gave love to all freely, openly and unconditionally. Danny, there are so many things I wanted to say, but couldn’t because I was still trying to understand the tragedy. As I struggle to wrap my head around the situation, it is still hard for me, your mum. You are gone but you are still in my heart and in my mind. You have left me alone but the One in whose presence you now find yourself has promised us a better home above and never to leave nor forsake me. He is faithful and true and He will perform.

To worship God; To Love our fellow men and Laughter were the three cardinal principles and legacy you left the family and me. We are very grateful and thankful for the life lessons you taught us within the lifespan of 47 years.

I love you and will forever miss you. Until we meet at the sound of the last trumpet, do rest peacefully in the Lord’s bosom. Mbi BD wo odjogbaa Rest in Peace!

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