Friday 2 September 2016

Monday Update On Krishi - Episode 135-137

Sikka Thakurain enjoys pointing the darts on the board. Around then Tuntun visits her. She affronts Tuntun and requests that he point a dart on the board. Tuntun gets stunned when he sees that Sikka Thakurain had adhered his photo to the dart board and was going for it. An angry Sikka Thakurain reminds Tuntun that he had promised her husband, Bala Thakur that he would get Pintu married to his daughter. Tuntun explains to Sikka Thakurain that Pintu had married Krishna against his wish. In the interim, Pintu calls up Tuntun and tells him to convince Sikka Thakurain not to create problems for Krishna. In the wake of disconnecting the call, Tuntun instigates Sikka Thakurain against Krishna. He charges that he needs to throw Krishna out of the house yet Pintu could never permit him to do as such. Sikka Thakurain uncovers her plan to separate Pintu and Krishna. Tuntun rejoices and affirms that he would not have the capacity to help Sikka Thakurain but rather he would not prevent her from creating problems for Krishna. At the point when Krishna returns home, she is surprised to see Sikka Thakurain in the house.

Tuntun introduces Krishna with Sikka Thakurain. Sikka Thakurain pretends to apologize to Krishna for barging into her cabin and threatening her. Tuntun requests that Krishna seek Sikka Thakurain's blessings. Sikka Thakurain feels offended when Krishna declines to touch her feet, rather looks for blessings by joining her hands. Sikka Thakurain gives a few coins to Krishna as a token of blessings however she refuses to accept them. Ganga informs Sikka Thakurain about the person, who had called her and threatened to kill Pintu, if Krishna continued to uncover their unlawful activities. Ganga, in any case, knows that the person who had called her up was none other than Sikka Thakurain's aide. At the point when Bablu returns home, he gets irate on seeing Sikka Thakurain. He tells Sargam not to permit Sonu to leave their room at whatever point Sikka Thakurain visits their house in future. Pintu discovers Krishna strained and asks the reason. He discovers that Krishna was resentful about Sikka Thakurain's visit to their house. He pacifies Krishna and attests that Sikka Thakurain would not create problems for her. Krishna, notwithstanding, doubts Sikka Thakurain's intentions. The following morning when Krishna goes to her office, she gets befuddled on seeing her cabin locked up. She sees a notice which peruses that the staff would get killed on the off chance that they continued to work in the office.

Krishna gets stunned when she sees a letter stuck in her office. The letter reads that the staff would get killed, in the event that they kept on working in the office. At the point when Krishna calls up Mithilesh, she Learns that Some goons had attacked Mithilesh on his way to the office. He includes that the goons have threatened to kill his family, in the event that he attends office. Krishna tries to cheer up Mithilesh however fails. She asks Mithilesh to meet her at a certain tea stall. Krishna also asks Chowbey to meet her. Whenever Chowbey and Mithilesh meet Krishna, she tries to persuade them to resume work. At the point when Chowbey refuses to join office, Krishna gets enraged and affronts him. She convinces the duo by telling them that they were bound to face challenges while executing their operations. Chowbey guarantees Krishna that he would convince the whole staff to resume work. In the interim, Sikka Thakurain's aide who is at the same tea stall listens in on their conversation. At the point when Sikka Thakurain learns about it, she plans to create problems for Krishna. At the point when Krishna visits her maternal house, Saraswati tries to convince her not to put her life at danger by uncovering the illicit activities. In the interim Dihati and Bihari Arrive. Dihati asks for Krishna to pardon Bihari and Return his License to Run the Ration Shop. Krishna, in any case, declines to help Bihari. After Krishna returns home, she performs puja alongside the family on the event of the full moon day. The following morning, when Krishna goes to her office, she gets surprised on seeing that her staff has resumed work. Tuntun gets surprised on discovering that Sikka Thakurain has threatened Krishna's staff not to resume work and help Krishna. Then Bihari arrives at Sikka Thakurain's mansion. Sikka Thakurain gets stunned on learning from Bihari that the staff at BDO office has resumed work. Sikka Thakurain exhaust with anger and requests her aides to teach Krishna a lesson.

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