Thursday 1 September 2016

Friday Update On Krishi - Episode 132-134

Tuntun gets surprised when he sees Ganga guiding Krishna in the kitchen. He is left confounded seeing Ganga's changed attitude towards Krishna. Tuntun needs Krishna to help him in his business and hence objects her holding with Ganga. Sargam and Pintu get cheerful when they see Ganga guiding Krishna. At the point when Krishna goes to office, she sees a letter stuck on the complaint box. The letter reads that in the event that anyone drops complaint letters in the box, they would be in a big trouble. Krishna opens the box and does not discover any letters in it. Krishna gets incensed wonders who must have dared to write such letter. At the point when Krishna goes to her cabin, she is surprised to see goons sitting tight for her there. It is known that one of the goons had stuck the letter on the complaint box. The goon tries to threaten Krishna yet she doesn't get frightened, rather asks Shamlal to bring tea for the visitors. At the point when the goons understand that Krishna was not paying notice to them, they leave. Ganga gets stressed when one of the goons calls her up. He threatens to kill Pintu, if Krishna attempted to create problems for them. A concerned Ganga calls up Krishna and requests that her rush home. Krishna refuse to return home quickly as she was occupied in an important work. Ganga gets irate and urges Krishna to follow her guidelines.

Bablu and Pintu visit the police station to lodge a complaint against the goons who threatened to create problems for Krishna and her families. Bablu requests that the inspector guild Krishna as she was the BDO. The Inspector tells the duo that he can't send his force to protect Krishna without her orders. Pintu gets irate at the inspector yet Bablu mollifies him. Bablu reminds the Inspector about his duty to protect the citizens of the country. He includes that Krishna was the BDO as well as a citizen of the country thus it was the duty of the police to protect her. Bihari expects that Krishna would attack his godown and uncover his unlawful activities. He therefore calls up a grocer named, Sahu and requests that he gather the basic supply things from him at the early as posible. In the mean time Krishna touches base at Sahu's shop. Sahu apologizes to Krishna and solicitations her to forgive him. Around then, Mithilesh informs Krishna that Bihari, who Runs the apportion Shop, just distributed two sacks of grains to the poor, while he has planned to offer the rest of the sacks to Sahu. Bihari alarms as Sahu had not yet come to gather the grains. He is agonized that Krishna may learn over his activities. Bihari gets stunned when Krishna and her team arrive at his godown. Krishna blames Bihari for practicing unlawful activities by offering the items, implied for the poor, to the food merchants. He assist gets stunned when Krishna declares to cancel his license. She ordered her team to seal the godown. At the point when Krishna comes back to her office, Sikka Thakurain visits her alongside her aides. An irate Sikka Thakurain barges into Krishna's cabin and tries to hit her with a sandal. She threatens to create problems for Krishna, in the event that she kept on uncovering the unlawful activities practiced in the block. Sikka Thakurain is going to leave, when Krishna stops her and communicates yearning to converse with her in private. After Sikka Thakurain's associates leave, Krishna locks up the door

Krishna questions Sikka Thakurain about her identity. Sikka Thakurain is going to talk when Krishna declares that she regards her as she was of her mom's age. Krishna, be that as it may, threatens to teach Sikka Thakurain a lesson, on the off chance that she attempted to create problems for her later on. Dihati barges into Saraswati's home and complains to her about Krishna. She attests that Krishna had canceled Bihari's license to run his ration shop. Chanchal intercedes and tells Dihati that Krishna had performed her obligation by uncovering the unlawful activities. Before going out, Dihati threatens to teach Krishna a lesson. Chanchal, be that as it may, does not pay regard to Dihati, rather requests that her leave. Bihari visits Sikka Thakurain's mansion and seeks her to battle against Krishna. On discovering that Sikka Thakurain had visited Krishna's office and threaten to create problems for her, an enraged Pintu barges into Sikka Thakurain's mansion. He debilitates to teach Sikka Thakurain a lesson, in the event that she or her associates attempt to hassle Krishna. Sikka Thakurain gets amazed on gaining from Bihari that Pintu was Tuntun's son. She arranges her aides who had firmly held Pintu to set him free. After Pintu leaves, Tuntun gets a call from a person who informs him that Sikka Thakurain had been released from the correctional facility. The person  summons Tuntun to meet Sikka Thakurain. Tuntun plans to affect Sikka Thakurain against Krishna keeping in mind the end goal to seek her help to practice illicit activities. Ganga discovers Tuntun strained and asks reason. She discovers that Sikka Thakurain had summoned Tuntun to meet her. Chanchal calls up Krishna and communicates her worry. Krishna mollifies Chanchal and gets some information about her.

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