Tuesday 30 August 2016

Wednesday Update On Krishi - Episode 126-128

Krishna is about to call Pintu to her surprise she gets Pintu's call. Pintu enquires with Krishna about Nirmal and Manisha. Nirmal thanks Tuntun for persuading the Deputy Collector Aakash Sinha to cancel his termination. Tuntun tells Nirmal that he had requested that Sinha transfer him to a better block. Tuntun requests that Nirmal repay his favor by helping him to complete his work. Krishna gets astounded when Nirmal visits her office. Then, the Peon illuminates Krishna that Pyaare Lal had come to meet her. She, thusly, requests that Nirmal leave and assures to meet him in the evening. Krishna gets astonished when Nirmal illuminates her that he has been transferred to her office. He hands over the transfer letter to Krishna and requests that her sign it, so he can join the office the next day. Around then Pyaare Lal visits Krishna. Pyaare Lal gets irate at her, as he believes that Krishna had canceled Nirmal's suspension. After Krishna returns home, she stands up to Tuntun for getting Nirmal transferred to her office. She lets him know that she would think that its hard to work with Nirmal. Krishna expresses that Tuntun ought to have educated her before helping Nirmal. Ganga gets angry at Krishna and reminds that she was first the daughter-in-law of the family and afterward a BDO. Pintu finds Krishna upset and tries to Cheer her up. He informs not to worry  regarding the criticisms, rather focus on her work.

Nirmal gets prepared for the office. Before Nirmal leaves, Vidyapati considerately instructs him to keep up Krishna's respect in her office as he would work under her. Nirmal conciliates Vidyapati and assure to help Krishna. In the workplace, Krishna arranges a sting operation to uncover the unlawful activities practiced in her block. She discloses her plan to Mithilesh and Chowbey and looks for their execute the plan. She likewise asks for them not to uncover the plan to anyone. On Krishna's ask for, a journalist named Pushkar clarifies the elements of a pen camera to Mithilesh and Chowbey. Chowbey poses as a rich businessman and goes to a dairy alongside Mithilesh. Krishna poses as a street-sweeper and scopes the road close to the dairy. Chowbey and Mithilesh request that the owner gave them 2000 packets of milk. The twosome centers their cameras towards the owner and records the footage. The owner assured to manage 2000 packets of milk as well as to offer them at cheaper rate. At the point when the owner goes to bring the packets of milk, Krishna follows him subtly. She gets stunned when she sees the owner adulterating the milk. While subtly recording the illicit action, Krishna incidentally dashes into a vessel. The owner hears the commotion and suspects that someone had entered his dairy. He gets stunned when he sees Krishna however can't recognize her as she has covered her face.

Krishna covertly records the unlawful movement yet around then she incidentally dashes into a vessel. The owner hears the clamor and suspects that some one had entered his dairy. He gets stunned when he sees Krishna yet can't recognize her as she has covered her face. At the point when the owner asks Krishna about her identity, she lies that she was a street-sweeper. Krishna includes that she had entered the dairy as she needed a glass of water. Nirmal calls Tuntun and informs him about Krishna's plan to expose the unlawful activities practiced in her block. He solicits Tuntun to be careful from Krishna as he fears that she may even target Tuntun and expose his activities. Tuntun trusts that Krishna could never make problems for him as she was his daughter-in-law. Nirmal helps Tuntun that regardless of him being Krishna's brother-in-law, she had got him suspended. A concerned Pintu calls Krishna and asks her why wasn't she receiving his calls. Krishna informs Pintu that she had gone out for inspection. Pintu communicates sympathy toward Krishna and states that he gets stressed at whatever point she goes out for work. Krishna conciliates Pintu and gets some information about her. In the wake of disconnecting the call, Krishna discloses her second plan to Mithilesh and Chowbey to uncover the illicit activities practiced at a specific small scale industry. The trio reaches Guru Laxmi Mirch Masala Udyog to capture the activities practiced there. Krishna instructs Chowbey to remain outside while she and Mithilesh enter the workplace. Mithilesh presents himself as Chowbey's younger brother. He introduces Krishna as Chowbey's housemaid, who was terminated from the job by Mrs Chowbey. Mithilesh gives Chowbey's reference and asks the Masala Udyog manager to hire Krishna. The manager consents to hire Krishna on every day wages. He requests that his partner introduce Krishna to a woman named Sunita.

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