Tuesday 9 August 2016

Update: Wednesday On The Vow

Sagar conciliates Sindoora and requests her not to cry. Sindoora chooses to discover what Gayatri's best course of action will be. Sindoora toxic substances Chandra's brain against Gayatri and looks for her assistance. Chandra goes to Gayatri's room and places a mouthpiece inside a pot. Then again, Gayatri tells Vidya that she apprehensions Sindoora is keeping an eye on her. Sindoora tries to hear their discussion from her room however understands that Chandra more likely than not neglected to switch on the mouthpiece. In the interim, Gayatri tells Vidya that Aniket's meeting will be imprinted in the daily papers soon and they should persuade Sagar that Sindoora can't shoulder the embarrassment! When they leave, Sindoora goes to Gayatri's room and switches on the receiver. In the interim, Hema and Harish lock Cheenu in a cabinet. The following morning, Sagar peruses an article in the daily paper where Aniket has held Sindoora a guilty party, so he gets incensed. Sindoora sheds crocodile tears at the situation she is in however simply then, scores of columnists go into the house to investigate Sindoora whether she had attempted to slaughter Sagar simply because he is her stepbrother! Sindoora is disappointed at the unforeseen development, when she hears Gayatri and Vidya's discussion from her mouthpiece. She is stunned to hear Gayatri tell Vidya that Sagar will energetically send Sindoora to Shimla now! Sindoora pledges to annihilate the greater part of Gayatri's arrangements!

Sindoora treats Sagar to a unique supper and says that she can battle anybody or any situation for his purpose. She says thanks to Sagar for the bravery she has obtained. Sagar tells Gayatri that Sindoora will stay in the house! In the interim, Mahua says thanks to Vidya for getting her wedded to Rajiv soon. Chandra comes then and asks Mahua whether she has been applying the cream she had given yet Mahua demonstrates her few imprints on the face. Chandra guarantees Mahua that they are just responses and urges her to keep utilizing the cream for good results. Then again, Gayatri calls a specialist home and advises Sagar that Sindoora is to a great degree discouraged and was grinning just to not hurt him. Sindoora is seen grinning taking a gander at the mirror, so Gayatri tells Sagar that she's rationally shaky! The specialist encourages Sindoora not to get pushed. Sagar guarantees Sindoora to pull back every one of the charges against Aniket yet she demands that he should not! In the interim, Sagar welcomes the Board of Directors home and declares that Vidya will have Sindoora's spot and be the organization's new Executive Director. Later, Gayatri is going to tell Vidya their next strategy, when she expresses gratitude toward Vidya for the symbol of Lord Shambhunath and requests that here where keep it. Vidya recommends that they discard the pot and place the symbol of Lord Shambhunath in its place. Therefore, Sindoora can't hear anything! Then again, Gayatri indicates Vidya a container of toxic substance and says that this will be their last weapon.

Gayatri guarantees Vidya that Sindoora won't kick the bucket. Then again, Sindoora is baffled at not having the capacity to learn of Gayatri's most recent ploy! Sindoora is going to have the beverage when Gayatri goes into the room and tosses the glass. She then guilefully puts the toxic substance bottle on the table and asks Sindoora whether she had a taste of the beverage. Sindoora is befuddled, and Sagar gets irate and annoyed with her for attempting to execute herself! Sagar advises her that staying in the house will torment her with musings of Aniket, so she will leave for Shimla the following morning and Chandra will go with her. Sagar expresses gratitude toward Gayatri, and Sindoora understands Gayatri's ploy! Gayatri later reminds Sindoora that it will be the fifth day next morning. Later, Chandra asks Sindoora for what reason she had attempted to slaughter herself, so Sindoora counters that she didn't! Sindoora says that it is Gayatri and Vidya's ploy to demonstrate to Sagar that she is turning rationally flimsy. Sindoora promises to end the fight by having Vidya tossed out of the house and getting Sagar in her grip at the end of the day! Sagar tells Vidya that Sindoora had constantly shrouded her despondency behind her grin. Vidya asks him how somebody can love one's sister to such an extent. In the interim, Vidya meets Sindoora, and Sindoora cautions her that she has not yet acknowledged thrashing but rather is just a casualty of condition that could change whenever! Vidya pledges to overlook everything if Sindoora guarantees not to rehash any of the wrongdoings. Sindoora answers she has never learnt to acknowledge donations!

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