Thursday 4 August 2016

Update: Friday On Krishi (Epi 73-75)

Pinky further prompts that a crowd of local people visit Krishna's home day by day and fixes her to complete their work. She includes that Krishna's sibling Ravi had gone to Krishna's office to get another permit issued to his manager. Ravi joins his manager, Jamal to Krishna's office. Ravi asks for Krishna to experience Jamal's new venture record and issue a permit to him. On enquiring, Krishna discovers that Jamal had wanted to open another godown for the grains, which he supplies. In the mean time, the Agent Authority touches base at Krishna's office. Subsequent to experiencing the record, Krishna tells Jamal that she won't have the capacity to issue a permit to him as he doesn't have appropriate reports. Krishna is stunned when the Representative Gatherer enters her lodge. The officer sees Jamal's record around Krishna's work area. After he experiences the record, the officer requests that Krishna tail him outside the workplace. Outside the workplace, the officer blames Krishna for abusing her position. He blames Krishna for helping Jamal, who has fake reports. Before leaving, the officer cautions Krishna not to rehash the misstep later on. Chowbey rings Pinky and educates her that the Delegate Authority had pulled up Krishna. Chowbey acclaims Pinky for her endeavors to prompt the officer against Krishna. At the point when Krishna returns home, Ravi questions her for dismissing Jamal's proposition. Krishna declares that Jamal's documentation was flawed and that it was illicit to pass his proposition. Next morning, Pintu rings Krishna and enquires about her earlier day at work. Around then Tuntun shouts to Pintu. Pintu neglects to detach the call. Tuntun asks for Pintu to overlook the past and bolster him amid the decision. Tuntun gets incensed when one of his gathering individuals demonstrates to him a news report distributed in the daily paper. The report has a photo of Pintu helping Krishna amid the attack on the school. Tuntun gets incensed at Pintu and inquiries him. In annoyance, Tuntun rips off the daily paper. Tuntun expects that the photo would make issues for him amid the races. He considers Krishna in charge of catching Pintu. Krishna catches their discussion and gets uneasy. Not able to endure Tuntun's comments, Pintu proclaims that he going out. Ganga and Krishna get stunned when they hear Pintu's words.

Krishna answers that she attempted her best to persuade Pintu yet he didn't pay regard to her. Ganga, be that as it may, does not trust Krishna. At Krishna's office, when Sarita requests that Chowbey sign a few reports, he acts mischievously with her. Sarita cautions Chowbey to stay under control. She debilitates to gripe to Krishna, if Chowbey proceeded to rowdiness. Chowbey does not pay notice to Sarita and commandingly holds her hand. Around then Krishna arrives and slaps Chowbey hard. Chowbey feels offended and chooses to show Krishna a lesson. Later, an angry Chowbey rings Pinky and guarantees to help her get retribution against Krishna. Chowbey uncovers his arrangement to Pinky. Whenever Bablu and Ganga return home, Tuntun acts abnormally and embraces a fanciful Pintu. Bablu and Ganga are left astounded. Vidyapati rings Krishna and asks her for what valid reason she went out ahead of schedule for office. Krishna does not uncover about Pintu, she rather advises him about Chowbey's conduct towards Sarita. Krishna includes that she was feeling regretful for slapping a senior individual like Chowbey to show him a lesson. Vidyapati assuages Krishna and states that she has stepped as the officer-in-control. In any case, he adds that she ought to apologize to Chowbey as he was an elderly individual. Chowbey gets shocked when Krishna apologizes to him. Pyaare Lal impels Chowbey against Krishna and affirms that she was attempting to trick him. Chowbey is resolved to vindicate his affront. One of Tuntun's political gathering individuals demands Tuntun to persuade Pintu to return home. He includes that their rivals were making an issue that Tuntun couldn't deal with his family thus he could never have the capacity to handle the issues of Bhagalpur. Tuntun expects that he may get vanquished in the race and chooses to persuade Pintu to return home.

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