Monday 29 August 2016

Tuesday Update On Sacred Ties - Episode 533-535

Manav breaks down as the doctor informs that they couldn't save their baby and Archana is still in a basic condition. Archana recovers consciousness and Manav advises her that she has lost the baby. Archana and Manav are crushed. Everybody comes to know about Archana's miscarriage and come to meet Manav and Archana. Manav confronts everybody. Everybody is paralyzed by Manav's conduct. Manav confronts everybody. Manav confronts Varsha and blames her for this mishap. Manav requests that every one of them leave. Archana is stunned.

Manav vents out his anger on every one and breaks all ties with them. Manav solicits all from them to leave  his house. Manav and Archana's parents return from the Pilgrimage. Manav informs them concerning Archana's miscarriage. Every one of them are broken to hear this news. Manav lets them know that he has broken all ties with everybody and now his exclusive point is to wind up rich in life. Sulochana and Savita attempt to make him see yet in vain. Manav leaves the house. Manav vows to himself that he won't return home till he gets to be equipped for giving Archana a luxurious lifestyle. Archana sits tight for Manav however he doesn't return till dawn. Archana gets to be wild eyed and continues calling Manav however he doesn't answer her calls. Manav writes a letter to Archana and goes in search of work. Manav meets with an accident.

Archana gets Manav's letter in which he has said that he won't return unless and until he succeeds in life. Archana is damaged and goes in search of Manav. Archana is totally discouraged. Satish is enraged with Varsha and reprimands her for not helping Manav in his time of need. Varsha feels regretful and apologizes to Satish. Sulochana too goes up against Manjusha for not illuminating Vinod about Manav's call. Ajit too is incensed with Rasika for not advising about Manav's Call. Ajit chooses to go out however Rasika apologizes to him and prevents him from going. Manjusha tells Vinod that she has an addition and needs to Throw a party for her colleagues. Vinod censures Manjusha for this decision. Everybody goes to the police station to hold up a dissension about Manav's disappearance.

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