Wednesday 10 August 2016

Thursday Update On Krishi

At the point when Krishna gets to her office, she gets astounded to see the media sitting tight for her. The media questions Krishna whether she was abusing her position of the BDO. Before Krishna could answer, Tuntun arrives. She is left bewildered on seeing Tuntun in her office. Tuntun blames Krishna for ruling over others by abusing her position. To substantiate himself, Tuntun requests that the link administrator affirm against Krishna. The administrator uncovers that he had separated the link administration to Krishna's home as she had not paid the bill for more than three months. The administrator adds that Krishna's sibling debilitated to induce Krishna to drop his permit, on the off chance that he neglected to interface the administration. Tuntun mediates and tries to induce the media against Krishna. Krishna expresses that she didn't know about the matter and guarantees to educate the media about it in the wake of exploring the matter. Bablu gets cheerful on discovering that Pintu had admitted his adoration for Krishna. He gets some information about his future. He additionally approaches Pintu not to make issues for Krishna in any capacity as she was a BDO and had picked up admiration in the general public. At the point when Krishna returns home, she is astonished to see new furniture in her home. On enquiring, Krishna discovers that Ravi had requested the furniture and had not paid the bill. The shop proprietor, from where the furniture was requested, tells Krishna that he couldn't ask cash from Ravi as he was the BDO's senior sibling. At the point when Ravi requests that the proprietor leave, Krishna stops him. She expresses that Ravi ought to pay the bill. She goes up against Ravi for commanding the link administrator for giving free support of their home. She lets him know that his commanding conduct was making issues for her. She seethes at Ravi and instructs him to pay and buy things instead of abusing her position. Saraswati gets incensed at Krishna and cautions her to stay under control as Ravi was her senior sibling. In the interim, the Deputy Collector finds out about the media, which had gone by Krishna's office. The Deputy Collector gets enraged and chooses to make strict move against Krishna. Vidyapati gets enraged at Saraswati and requests that her not back Ravi as he had submitted a mix-up. Ravi gets angry and chooses to go out.

The Deputy Collector Aakash Sinha gets confounded when Bihari and Pinky visit him. Bihari endowments mangoes to Aakash Sinha and tries to impel him against Krishna. He claims that Krishna and her family were utilizing Krishna's forces to rule individuals. He includes that Krishna's conduct would stigmatize Aakash Sinha. Krishna gets steamed as Ravi tempests out of the house irate at her. Vidyapati goes up to her to assuage her. Krishna expresses that she seethed at Ravi for abusing her position simply because his conduct was making issues for her in the workplace. Vidyapati tries to placate Krishna and states that Saraswati and Ravi would soon comprehend her issues. Bihari rings Tuntun and illuminates him that Krishna was responsible for researching the illicit matters of the NGOs running in Bhagalpur. Tuntun gets stressed. Next morning, Tuntun meets his legal counselors and plots against Vidyapati to trap him in an extortion case. On her approach to office, Krishna visits Pintu and illuminates him about Ravi's conduct. She additionally advises Pintu that the link administrator had admitted in the media that Ravi debilitated to get his permit drop, in the event that he neglected to reconnect the support of their home. Krishna arranges a plan to permit the general population to send their protests specifically to her with the goal that she can discover the arrangements, the way she needs. She chooses to begin the plan by requesting that Ravi apologize to the link administrator before everybody. Pintu expects that Ravi could never acknowledge Krishna's solicitation. Krishna, be that as it may, is resolved to persuade Ravi. At the point when Krishna touches base in the workplace, she gets stressed on discovering that Sub Divisional Officer had come to meet her. The officer cautions Krishna for abusing her position and undermines to make legitimate move against her, on the off chance that she neglects to ad lib. Pintu meets Ravi and tries to persuade him to apologize to the link administrator. Pintu states that Krishna needed to face mortification from her unrivaled in view of Ravi's trouble making. He asks for Ravi to help Krishna. Aakash Sinha rings Krishna and requests that her research into the illicit NGOs running in her square. He chooses to send a rundown of the NGOs to Krishna's office. Krishna guarantees to be straightforward amid the investigation.

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