Thursday 25 August 2016

Friday Update On Silver Lining Episode 56-58

Revati Tells Isha to vacate the guest room and live in the storeroom. Revati then requests that Isha tidy and clean the room. Revati invites numerous bureaucrats for a party at her place. Girish reprimands Revati for treating Isha like a servant yet Revati lies to him about it. Revati and Devki plan to exploit Chetna's nonappearance and get the consent from the officials to build a hotel on the orphanage land. every one of the children at the orphanage surmise that Isha must host a function time at the get-together yet they are unconscious that Isha is been dealt with like a servant there. Revati leaves no stone unturned to disrespect Isha and requests that her make a disparaging Showing with regards to in the Party. Sam sees this yet is powerless. Isha feels exceptionally Insulted as she needs to try and Pick and Wash the messy plates.

Thakur and Cutting Plan to sneak in the party and Ira too tails them without their knowledge. Sam helps Isha in cleaning the mess. Revati and Girish get enraged by this. Revati by and by rebukes Isha and she breaks into tears. Thakur and Cutting get shocked on seeing Isha being abuseed by Revati. Ira and Tinnu too come there. Isha grasps Ira and requests that her do a reversal. Isha is irate with Sam for expanding her inconveniences by helping her. Bhola comes there with the project report of a hotel and resort. Isha is stunned to see Devki and Bhola together. Isha gets a map which shows a hotel in place of Sanskar orphanage yet neglects to comprehend it. Devki comes and tears the map and lies to Isha about it. Devki gives the project report to Revati and Revati Shows it to the mayor of the city. Girish gets paralyzed as Revati says that they are planning to give great pleasantries to the children at the orphanage and consequently need to build a hotel and resort which will incorporate the orphanage. The Mayor affirms the Project and Tells Revati that even the Collector of the city Manoj Kaushal necessities to approve it. Ira turns out alone around evening time to meet Isha. Manoj and his wife Indrani are headed to the party when all of a sudden Ira comes before their car.

Manoj and Indrani save Ira however later understand that it was a direct result of Ira that they were saved from a hazardous accident. Ira comes to realize that Indrani and Manoj are looking for Chetna's house and helps them reach there. Sam understands that Revati has requested that Isha avoid the party. Isha advises Sam to deal with the differences with his parents. Indrani and Manoj turn out to be exceptionally enamored with Ira. Manoj and Indrani reach at the party and the Mayor shows him the redevelopment project of the orphanage. Manoj is awed with the project. Indrani converses with Revati about the little girl who helped them achieve the party and her affection for that girl. Revati doesn't know that Indrani is discussing Ira. Revati spots Ira sneaking in the party and stops her. Ira says that she needs to meet Isha. Revati doesn't permit her to meet Isha and requests that Devki take her out. Isha feels sad as Devki drags Ira out of the party. Indrani sees this and stops Devki. Indrani comes to realize that Ira and Isha are orphans and requests that Revati let the two sisters meet. Revati recollects her discussion with Indrani and witnesses Indrani's affection for Ira. Revati arrangements to utilize Ira to achieve her objectives.

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