Thursday 11 August 2016

Friday Update On Krishi

Pintu meets Ravi and tries to Convince him to apologize to the Cable Operator. Pintu states that Krishna needed to face embarrassment from her Superior due to Ravi's bad conduct. He asks for Ravi to help Krishna. An angry Ravi declines to apologize to the Cable Operator. Pintu is going to drag Ravi to the administrator's office yet his associates don't permit him and push Pintu away. In the mean time Bihari, who is going by sees the confusion and appreciates it. Bihari visits Tuntun and impels him. He claims that Ravi was thrashed gravely by a few local people in the business sector. Pintu feels irritated as he couldn't help Krishna in persuading Ravi to apologize to the link administrator. Krishna sees twisted on Pintu's hand and enquires. She expects that Ravi more likely than not hit Pintu. Pintu does not uncover reality, rather expresses that he tumbled down from a seat while hunting down a few authentications. Krishna, in any case, does not trust Pintu. Ravi touches base at the link administrator's office and defies him. The administrator apologizes to Ravi and guarantees to soon reconnect the support of his home. The administrator likewise expresses that he would give the administration free of expense to Ravi for one year. The administrator adds that Ravi needed to get Vidyapati's mark on an archive keeping in mind the end goal to reconnect the administration. Ravi returns home and requests that Vidyapati sign on the archives however he cannot. However on Chanchal's solicitation Vidyapati signs the report without understanding it. Ravi visits the link administrator's office again and presents the record. It is later uncovered that Tuntun had requested that the link administrator get Vidyapati's mark on the report. Thusly, Tuntun needs to trap Vidyapati for a situation of extortion. The Deputy Collector, Aakash Sinha visits Krishna's office. He apppints Krishna in-charger of the examination of a critical instance of misrepresentation. Aakash Sinha requests that her guarantee him that she would be straightforward in her work. Krishna guarantees to be straightforward amid the examination. At the point when Aakash Sinha hands over the record to Krishna, she gets stunned on discovering that Vidyapati was the guilty party for the situation. Aakash Sinha orders Krishna to get Vidyapati captured. At the point when Krishna returns home, Vidyapati discovers her tensed and asks the reason. Before she could uncover, the police arrive and capture Krishna. Krishna feels sorry and states that she was simply doing her employment. Vidyapati conciliates Krishna and requests that her not stress. Vidyapati is certain that he would be demonstrated guiltless as he had not submitted any extortion.

Saraswati gets uneasy when she sees Vidyapati cuffed. The reviewer expresses that they had proof against Vidyapati and subsequently were compelled to capture him. Saraswati declines to put stock in the allegations and begins dissenting Vidyapati's capture. Krishna feels defenseless as she can't do anything for Vidyapati. At this point, Ravi arrives home and gets stunned as the monitor captures Vidyapati. Ravi guarantees Vidyapati that he would set him free. Ravi and Saraswati start seething at Krishna. They trust that regardless of being the BDO, Krishna did not endeavor to spare Vidyapati from getting captured. Saraswati declares that she needed Vidyapati back home. Bihari, Dihati and Pinky celebrate seeing Krishna and her family's situation. An evil Pinky guarantees Bihari that they would stoke the flame and make more issues for Krishna. Dihati rings Ganga and shrewdly advises her that Ravi and his companions had ambushed Pintu. At the point when Dihati tries to induce Ganga against Krishna, Ganga gets disturbed and detaches the call. In the interim, Krishna's subordinate and police touch base at Krishna's living arrangement. Krishna's subordinate expresses that they had a warrant to hunt her home. Saraswati gets disturbed as the police had before captured Vidyapati and now had issued a court order. She declines to permit the police to check their home. Remembering her duties, Krishna permits the police to inquiry her home. Ravi and Saraswati get disturbed on listening to Krishna's choice. Ganga gripes to Tuntun how Ravi and his companions ambushed Pintu. Tuntun answers that he knew about the episode and Pintu was currently fine. Ganga grumbles as Tuntun did not educate her about Pintu's attack. According to their examination, Krishna's subordinate advises Krishna that he needed to keep Vidyapati's bank passbook and other money related documentation in Vidyapati's name in guardianship. Simply then Krishna gets a call from Aakash Sinha, who arranges her to be responsible for the examination in which Vidyapati was charged. Krishna gets stunned on listening to it.

The Deputy Collector Aakash Sinha rings Krishna and requests her to be responsible for the examination in which Vidyapati was blamed. Krishna gets stressed on listening to it. Krishna tries to persuade Aakash Sinha that Vidyapati was honest. She attests that somebody was intentionally attempting to trap Vidyapati on account of misrepresentation. Aakash Sinha, nonetheless, does not pay regard to Krishna rather requests that her play out her obligation. A concerned Ganga visits Pintu alongside Bablu. She trusts that Krishna was duping Pintu. Ganga in this way cautions Pintu. Not able to endure Ganga's allegations, Bablu leaves furiously. Ganga tries to persuade Pintu that Krishna needed to look for requital for Vidyapati's affront. Ganga gets irate when Pintu declines to trust her. Pintu indignantly requests that Ganga not blame Krishna later on. At the point when Krishna goes to the police headquarters, she feels pitiful on seeing Vidyapati behind the bars. Vidyapati tries to assuage Krishna and requests that her play out her obligation and not to stress over him. He states that if Krishna handles the case as a BDO he would feel pleased. Krishna acknowledges the test and chooses to demonstrate Vidyapati blameless. At the point when Krishna meets Pintu, she separates crying as she is defenseless in getting Vidyapati liberated. Pintu tries to mollify Krishna and gives her trust. He advises her to be solid and battle for equity. Mithilesh hands over a document to Krishna and illuminates her that the enquiry meeting in regards to Vidyapati's case would be directed in their office the next day. He includes that the police would get Vidyapati to their office in the morning. Next morning, Saraswati catches a few neighbors discussing Vidyapati's examination. They banter that Krishna is responsible for the case and that she would help Vidyapati. At the point when Krishna sees Saraswati, she feels frustrated about not having the capacity to help Vidyapati. Krishna is at a phase wherein her profession and her family life are in question. She trusts her mom favors her with the goal that she can sincerely satisfy her obligations.

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