The original film followed the story of a young man (Allen) who reunites with a mermaid (Madison) who saved him from drowning as a boy. He ends up falling in love with her, not knowing who or what she is. However, in the remake, Tatum will play a male version of the mermaid and Bell will play a female version of Allen.
It was reported that the interesting take on the remake was pitched by Bell, who most recently wrapped Office Christmas Party and next stars in Rock That Body.
Though we're told it's only in the early stages of development, we do know Marja-Lewis Ryan is writing the script. Ron Howard and Brian Grazer-who directed and produced the original film-will produce along with Tatum, Reid Carolin and Peter Kieran.
Meanwhile, Tatum most recently signed onto the A-list cast with Kingsman: The Golden Circle in April and has just started filming.
While we don't know much about Tatum's role, the movie is a follow up to the 2014 sleeper hit Kingsman: The Secret Service. The plot follows Colin Firth, a 007-style secret agent in London, who recruits a working-class kid (played by Taron Egerton) to join a super intense and badass training camp. Of course there is an evil henchman whose plot to destroy the world must be foiled, and along the way there are sorts of awesome stunts and more British humor than we could ever hope for
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