Wednesday 27 July 2016

Update:Thursday On Krishi (Ep 55-57)

An excited Bihari brings DVDs of those Hindi movies wherein the female protagonist turns becomes an officer at the end of the movie. Bihari wants Pinky to watch these movies and train herself. Bihari calls up Tuntun and tells him that Pinky had to take charge of the post of BDO 10 days hence and hence when he asked the pundit he advised that Pinky and Pintu could get married in the coming three days. Krishna and Vidyapati reach Patna in the night. Krishna tells Vidyapati that they should proceed directly to the examination board office and file their application first thing in the morning as she does not want to waste any more time. Ganga gets shocked when she learns that Pintu does not want to marry Pinky. She asks Pintu why hhe did not tell Tuntun before. Just then Babloo arrives and asserts that he knew about his feelings. He adds that since Ganga was his mother she must speak for his right. Tuntun overhears Babloo taking about him and accuses his son of instigating Ganga and Pintu against him. Out of frustration, Ganga asserts that she would not bear Tuntun imposing his decision on Pintu. She states that Tuntun never cared about anyone and dictated his terms on everyone. She adds that Pintu was so scared of Tuntun that he could not make a decision for himself. To end the argument, Babloo takes Ganga inside the house. Tuntun pretends to be hurt by Ganga's statements and states that no one cares for him. . Pintu pacifies Tuntun and assures him that he would do whatever he asks him to.

Sargam notices apprehension on Babloo's face and enquires. Babloo tells Sargam that he was worried as Krishna went to Patna to evaluate her marks. He adds that he was also concerned about Pintu as Tuntun was forcing him to marry Pinky. Babloo believes that Pintu was unable to understand Tuntun's tricks. At the break of dawn, Krishna goes to the examination board office and enquires with a subordinate officer where she had to submit her application. Krishna had written an application requesting the examination board to revaluate the marks of her interview round. The officer at first asks Krishna to not get into the reevaluation mess and flatly refuses to forward her application. Krishna politely reminds the subordinate officer to do his work efficiently. She adds that she would not leave unless he forwards her application. On hearing the commotion, the senior officer from department arrives in the room. On learning about the situation, the senior officer asks Krishna whether she came to the office on the recommendation of some higher authority. Krishna replies that she had no need to ask someone to recommend her. She states that she has given her exam and interview and had come to the office as she wanted to get her interview round marks reevaluated. She emphasizes that she considers law greater than anyone's recommendation. She adds that she would not leave unless the senior officer signs on the paper. Out of irritation, the senior officer tears Krishna's application letter. Krishna and Vidyapati are left shocked to see the senior officer's act. A courageous Krishna barges inside the senior officer's cabin while he is in a meeting with other government officials. Krishna asserts that he had committed a crime by tearing a paper, which has legal stamp. She adds that she would be forced to lodge a police complaint against the officer. The senior officer apologizes to Krishan and quickly signs on her application.

Before Krishna could leave, the senior officer asks Krishna to take signature of the department head on her application. The other government officials ask Krishna to immediately go and take the head's signatures as she was going to leave for a tour. In order to find the truth, Babloo goes to the Deputy Collector's office. He tricks the Ramanand, the government employee who had tricked Krishna and Vidyapati into handing over money packed in a box of sweets to the Deputy Collector K.K Singh into chatting up with him. On learning that Babloo was Tuntun's son, Ramanand tells Babloo how he falsely trapped Krishna and Vidyapati. Ramanand is in for a rude shock when Babloo compels him to reveal the truth in front of K.K Singh. He adds that Tuntun had ordered him to commit the act. Babloo requests K.K Singh to come with him to Patna so that they can help Krishna in the reevaluation process. K.K Singh willingly agrees. Incidentally, the department head is none other than the woman who had interviewed Krishna in the interview round and even complimented her on her abilities. The woman advises Krishna to meet the Education Minister as his approval could expedite her reevaluation process. Krishna gets apprehensive when the minister's assistants tells her that it was impossible for him to fix a meeting with the Education Minister as had an important conference to attend in the day and later was flying abroad. Vidyapati and Krishna rush towards the Minister when they see him leaving but fail to meet him.

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