Monday 25 July 2016

Update On Krishi

Tuntun and Ganga arrive in the hospital and enquire with the nurse about Pinky. The nurse tells him not to worry as Krishna had convinced the doctor to start Pinky's treatment. Tuntun gets furious and decides to teach Krishna a lesson. In the hospital, Krishna prays for Pinky. When Dihati sees Krishna, she holds her responsible for Pinky's health. Dihati accuses Krishna of trying to trap Pintu with her charms, even after knowing that Pinky was set to marry him. Vidyapati intervenes and tells Dihati to mind her tongue. Pintu gets furious when Dihati curses that Krishna must have died soon after her birth. He holds Krishna's hand and drags her out of the hospital. He asks her to return home. Vidyapati, Ravi and Chanchal follow them. Meanwhile, the doctor informs the family not to worry. The family is relieved when the doctor further informs them that Pinky would soon recover. Pinky rejoices on learning that Tuntun has selected a mahurat for the following day for her engagement with Pintu. Ganga is left shocked. After Pinky gets discharged from the hospital, Dihati visits Krishna's house. She apologizes to Saraswati and invites the family for Pinky and Pintu's engagement. Pinky intervenes and states that she would not get engaged to Pintu, if Vidyapati and Saraswati refused to attend the ceremony. Before leaving, Dihati personally invites Krishna to make her feel all the more awful.

Pintu is upset with the fact that Tuntun announced his engagement with Pinky for the following day. Engrossed with Krishna's thoughts, Pintu is unable to sleep through the night. He recollects the various incidents that had taken place between them in the past few days. Krishna too wakes up startled as she too dreams about Pintu. Bablu meets Deputy Collector KK Singh and enquires about Krishna's performance in the interview round. KK Singh informs Bablu that Krishna had fared well in her interview. He adds that Krishna would be a successful person in her life. Bablu tries to prove Krishna innocent by stating that she did not mean to bribe him earlier. KK Singh states that he was aware about it and suspected that someone had purposely laid a trap for Krishna Krishna arrives at Pinky's house to get her ready for the engagement ceremony. Dihati makes Krishna offer breakfast to Pinky and tend to her. Bablu gets furious on learning that Tuntun had announced Pinky and Pintu's engagement. He complains that none of his family members informed him about it. Bablu wonders why Pintu meekly accepted Tuntun's orders. Pintu and his family arrive at Bihari's residence for the engagement ceremony. Bihari welcomes them. Bablu who had earlier refused to accompany the family too joins in for the sake of Pintu. Pintu's eyes remain glued to Krishna all through the event. His eyes trail her wherever she goes or stands much to Pinky's irritation. Pinky excitedly makes Pintu wear the ring. However, when it is Pintu's turn, he half-heartedly takes the ring but keeps turning back to glance at Krishna. The ring accidentally slips from his hand much to everyone's shock.

Pinky excitedly makes Pintu wear the ring. However, when it is Pintu's turn, he half-heartedly takes the ring but keeps turning back to glance at Krishna. The ring accidentally slips from his hand much to everyone's shock. The pundit considers it to be a bad omen. Bablu handles the situation and asks Pintu to pick up the ring and make Pinky wear it. The families rejoice when the duo exchanges rings. However, Sargam is unhappy with this alliance as she knows that it is against Pintu's wishes. Krishna too is unhappy and walks out of Bihari's house. In the evening, Bihari and Tuntun meet the interviewer whom they had bribed, to fail Krishna in the civil service examination. The interviewer asks the duo not to worry as he has worked as per their plan. He also informs the duo that the results of the interview round would be announced the following day. Krishna, Chanchal and Ravi come to a restaurant. Pintu and Sonu too come to the same restaurant. When Pintu goes to place the order, Sonu goes near the cooking area and is about to touch the hot utensil when Krishna pulls him back. Pintu rushes hearing Sonu's cries and gets relieved on learning that Krishna had saved him. He thanks Krishna for her act. Pinky gets upset when Pintu does not turn up at her place inspite of promising to do so. She calls up Pintu to ask where he was. Pintu's phone is incidentally in Sonu's hand at that time. He accidentally presses the answer button and does not realize that the call is connected. Meanwhile, Chanchal offers sweets and kachori to Sonu. Pinky gets furious when she hears Pintu, Chanchal, Krishna and Ravi's conversation. An anger Pinky barges into the restaurant along with Dihati and confronts Krishna. She accuses Krishna of trying to trap Pintu with her charms. Pinky further accuses Krishna of being a characterless girl. Pintu gets furious and raises his hand to slap Pinky but Krishna stops him.

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