Tuesday 12 July 2016

The Vow Update: The Vow (Epi 288-290)

Sindoora assures Gayatri that Sagar will soon find out the truth about Vidya and he will drive her out of the house. Sindoora says that Sagar will do exactly what she wants. Meanwhile, Rajiv sees Mahua trying to place a frame on the wall, so he offers to help.
Harish and Hema get curious. On the other hand, Vidya decides to escape. Sindoora tries to feed him but he manages to throw the bowl. Sindoora goes to pick the bowl when she sees Vidya escaping. Sindoora phones Balwant to track Vidya. Sindoora takes Sagar to Vidya's room and tells him that Vidya has escaped and that she goes out every evening. She says that there is someone who waits for Vidya at 5 in the evening. She urges Sagar to end the relationship for good. For the ceremony later, Sindoora sees Sagar wearing the kurta that she had suggested and not the one that Vidya had bought. Gayatri wonders why Sagar looks so agitated. The priest tells Sindoora that only Sagar's wife can sit for the ceremony. Gayatri goes to fetch Vidya who comes into the room just in time. Sagar continues to behave in a cold manner throughout the ceremony. After the ceremony gets over, Vidya goes to touch Sagar's feet but he moves behind. Vidya is upset.

Sagar is impressed when he sees Vidya in a different attire. However, Sindoora's words about Vidya's true character make him weary. Meanwhile, SaReGaMaPa singers, Junaid and Sumedha, perform at the party. When Vidya goes to dance with Sagar, he brushes her aside. Vidya is very upset. On the other hand, Balwant gives Sindoora a CD and Gayatri sees this. When a worried Vidya tells Gayatri that Sagar seems upset with her, Gayatri informs her that Sindoora is going to make a big move but assures Vidya that she cannot defeat her this time. Sagar cuts the cake and feeds everybody, including Vidya but when Vidya cuts it and feeds Sagar, he takes the cake from her hand. Sindoora then plays a CD showing Vidya escaping from home and going to a place where a man greets her and then shuts the door. Sindoora pretends to be very upset and demands to know who had played the CD! She accuses Vidya of meeting the man every evening! Sindoora demands to know what she had gained by humiliating her brother and her family! By letting down Sagar who had accepted her in spite of her being illiterate! Everyone at the party soon starts mocking Vidya and pitying Sagar. Vidya is shattered! She then speaks in English and tells Sagar that she has something to say! Everyone is stunned!

Vidya informs everyone that she is also learning English because people believe that one becomes educated only by knowing English. She says that everybody, including her own family members, kept insulting her. She tells Sagar that she kept her outings a secret from him because she wanted to give him a surprise on his birthday. Vidya says that although she is still the same girl from a small town, she can now read, write and speak in English as well as possesses all the qualities that he wants in a wife. Vidya then introduces the man, whom everyone had see on the screen, as the one who had taught her English. She scolds everyone for accusing not just her but her teacher as well. Vidya says that she did all this only for the man she loves but even he had thought that she is immoral. She further says that she is proud of the love that she feels for her husband and wants to spend the rest of her life with him! Sagar is devastated whereas Sindoora cannot believe the turn of events! Vidya says that all she wants is to be Sagar's wife. However, she also tells that despite all her efforts, Sagar cannot accept her because he does not love her, and so she would be leaving the house right away. Sagar stops Vidya and apologises to her for not realising the truth earlier. He then declares that he wants Vidya because all his wishes will be granted on his birthday!.

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