Wednesday 27 July 2016

Buhari launches new rail service

Buhari Train Services70

Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has formally opened a new railway line, linking the capital Abuja with the northern city of Kaduna.

The 186km (150 mile) line was upgraded by a Chinese state company at a cost of about $850m (£647m) as part of a wider project to modernise Nigeria's decrepit rail network.

Trains will carry passengers and cargo at speeds of up to 150km/h and the journey will take two hours.

Many people who work in Abuja commute from Kaduna because of the high cost of living in the capital.

Mr Buhari rode on the train to officially open the service to the public. A one-way trip from Abuja to Kaduna will cost about $1.50 (£1.10)

The project spans four administrations - those of Olusegun Obasanjo, Musa Yar'Adua, Goodluck Jonathan and the current one.

Although the project was completed in December 2014, the coaches were delivered 15 months later.

Despite Nigeria’s oil wealth, the country has been without a functioning railway system.

Often goods are transported in trucks over long distances creating many potholes and turning roads into death traps.

Check out photos in gallery.

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