Tuesday 14 June 2016

How to make the first move on a guy

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According to the laws of nature, guys are supposed to make the first move. It’s common etiquette, right?

These days, though, the onus is more and more on the lady to make the first move. After all, we’re fiercely independent and have our own minds and will, so why shouldn’t we make the first move on a guy who’s a total hunk?

Waiting is all well and good, but it’s way too passive for the 21st century. If you want a guy, you’re going to have to go out there and get him.

The best thing is that men love it when you make the first move! Just in case you’re a little unsure of yourself and need help with your technique, let’s take a look at 10 tips to help you make the first move on a guy.

Be Bold

One of the reasons women shy away from making the first move is because they convince themselves that doing so makes them seem desperate. This is all to do with the idea that a man can have as many girlfriends as he wants, but a girl can’t go through an equal amount of boyfriends. If she does, she’s basically a word that we can’t print here!

Making the move takes a lot of boldness. It takes courage. If you’re going to walk over to him, do it with a brazenness that catches his attention. Ask him if he wants a beer and offer to buy it for him. He’ll love it.

Play The Damsel In Distress

Okay, we know you’re now the bold, confident, independent woman who is ready to make the first move. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t get his attention by creating a scenario.

By putting yourself in a situation where you need his help, you can call him up and he’ll come round to help you out! You could say that you need help with loading some boxes, fixing your car, or mending a leak. He’ll pop by like a true hero, and you’ll be indebted to him. Time for some romance!
Be careful not to say that you need help washing the dishes. That will not impress him.

Flirt With Him

You probably heard in the past that flirting works and you should try it but you might not have been told that flirting really works and you definitely should try it.

Like, right now.

Guys love to flirt. In fact, they probably love to flirt more than we do. The great thing about flirting is that you can do it from a distance; for example, you could send him flirty messages on Facebook or post songs to his wall.

In person, smile when you’re in his company and lightly touch his arm. Don’t be aggressive, but be playful.

Be Direct

Flirting is all well and good, but eventually you do need to be more direct. Guys know when you’re flirting with them, but they don’t always cotton on that you’re really into them. Sometimes they assume that you’re just having a giggle for kicks!

There is nothing wrong with being direct. It saves time and it helps to clear up any misunderstandings. The guy might be sitting at home thinking “She loves me She loves me not,” so let him know your feelings when you make that first move.

Look Him In The Eyes

No, you’re not trying to turn him into stone; by looking him in the eyes, you’re showing him that you’re listening and that you’re interested.

Looking at someone in the eyes when you’re having a conversation with them is incredibly powerful. It shows that you’re confident in who you are and that you’re quite taken with them. Sometimes it can even convince the guy that you’re totally spellbound by him!

Check To See If He’s Single

Okay, before you make that all-important first move, you need to make sure he’s single first. This isn’t always easy to do, because no guy walks around with a hangdog expression and a big stamp on his forehead that says “SINGLE GUY HERE”.
That would be plain embarrassing!

You could find out if he’s single or not by being really clever with your conversation. Have a laugh with him before saying that his girlfriend is one lucky woman.

Watch A ‘Scary’ Movie Together

Ask him if he wants to have a movie night as friends and then slip on a really ‘scary’ movie, not necessarily a horror, just an action movie will do. This will give you the opportunity to cuddle up to him, giving him the chance to protect you by putting his arm around you.

Watching a ‘scary’ film with him will put you both through a tumult of emotions, and often presents a chance to get closer to the guy you’re smitten with.

And if he gets really scared, well, you’ll just have to put your arms around him!

Get A Spare Ticket

Find out what he’s really into and buy two tickets for something you’d know he’d love. It could be a game, a concert, or anything else you can think of.

Then call him up and say that you’ve got a spare ticket because a friend has let you down. Does he want to come?

Hell yeah!

This will show him that you both have the same interests, and it gives you a great chance to get to know each other.

Show Interest

You absolutely must show that you’re interested in what he’s talking about, as well as his hobbies and passions. If you play with your hair and check your phone all the time, you’re not making any move whatsoever.

Give him your undivided attention, ask questions and get involved with what he’s saying.

Drop A Hint

Okay, if the dude is seriously just not getting it, it’s time to drop that mega hint that you’re interested.
“Have you heard about the new Will Smith movie? I’ve been dying to see it but all my friends can’t stand him.”

This will open up the opportunity for him to invite you to see it with him.
Unless he’s a Will Smith hater. In which case, honey, you’re better off without him

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