Thursday 23 June 2016

1. Where is your wallet? Most men keep their wallets in their back pockets. This can lead to pelvic rotation especially if they sit on the wallet. Over a period of time, there could be a buildup of pressure on the SCIATIC NERVE. Sciatic nerve irritation or Sciatica can lead to waist pain which goes all the way to the bottom of your feet. Looking at x-rays will help us determine if there is indeed any vertebral or pelvic misalignment which could be putting pressure on the sciatic or any other nerve. Correcting this with Chiropractic will bring structural correction to the spine and reduce symptoms.

2. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: The PSA, is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test measures the level of PSA in a man's blood. At least once a year, men should have their PSA levels checked. If you are at high risk due to family history or prostate infections then you may start testing at age 40 years; your doctor may ask for more frequent testing too. Digital rectal exams may be needed to feel the prostate gland. It is important to note an abnormal PSA may not necessarily mean prostate cancer. It can also mean a prostate infection (prostatitis) or a prostate enlargement (benign prostate hypertrophy). The prognosis is usually good if caught early and appropriately treated.

3. Colonoscopy: Men are at a higher risk for colon cancer. Colon polyps are fingerlike projections that grow in the large intestine as we age. A colonoscopy is done by inserting a tube with a camera into the colon to detect the polyps. Sometimes the polyps are removed at the time of the colonoscopy. If the polyps are not removed, they can turn cancerous and sometimes spread to other organs. Periodic screening can prevent colon cancer.

4. BMI and Waist to Hip Ratio: Body Mass Index uses weight and height to determine if one is underweight, overweight or obese. BMI is a person's weight in kilograms divided by height in meter squared; kg/m x m. BMI of < 18.5 is underweight, 18.5 – 24.9 is normal, 25 – 29.9 is overweight, 30 or greater is obese.

Waist to hip ratio gives information specifically about the midsection. Abdominal fat is dangerous to the body as it stores toxins around vital organs like the liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach etc. Waist to Hip ratio is calculated by dividing the waist circumference by the hip circumference. In men anything above 0.9 is considered abdominal obesity and in women anything above 0.85 is considered the same. Excess body fat can be a risk factor for diseases like high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, cancer etc hence checking these two ratios will help you determine where you are.

5. Hypertension – Do you know your numbers? Depending on age, lifestyle, and family history, you may be required to check your blood pressure on a daily basis at home. If you have been already diagnosed, it will be important to get a machine and record all readings. Normal blood pressure reading is 120/80. Pre-hypertensive is a range from 121/81 – 140/90. Hypertension is diagnosed when three or more consecutive readings are above 140/90. If your blood pressure reading is in the pre-hypertension range then this is the time to exercise and watch your diet to prevent it from advancing to full blown hypertension?

6. Check blood sugar and blood cholesterol – In a healthy man with no family history of diabetes or hypertension or high cholesterol, lab tests should be run at least once a year after 30 years of age. If you have been diagnosed with the above then blood glucose or cholesterol levels should be checked at least every 6 months. With early detection, these diseases can be managed without drugs.

Prevention is better than cure. We want you to "Achieve Maximum Wellness" please visit our clinic on the Kanda Highway, next to Sunny Fm for more information as to what you can do today to improve your health status.

Compiled by Dr. Naa Asheley Dordor, Chiropractic Physician
(C.E.O Nova Wellness Center)
Telephone: 054 244 8686

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