Thursday 26 May 2016

Korle-Bu Hospital ranked third best-performing MOH agency


Korle Bu Hospital
The Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH ) has emerged as the third best-performing agency in 2015, among the 22 agencies of the Ministry of Health (MOH).This performance is an advance from the 19th position in 2014. With a score 31 percent achievement of expected targets in 2014, the hospital in 2015 achieved 75.3 percent of expected targets which represents a 140 percent growth in performance.

Korle-Bu was among four agencies that were able to meet and exceed the minimum target for agency performance in 2015.

This was disclosed at the Interagency Leadership Committee meeting of MOH held in Sogakofe, where the Chief Executives and Board Chairpersons of the 22 agencies of the Ministry met to discuss their performance. It was also an opportunity to strategise towards achieving the goals and objectives of the health sector.

Dr. Ken Sagoe, an independent health systems consultant who has been conducting the assessment since 2013 for the Ministry made a presentation. In an interview, Dr.Sagoe said the performance of Korle Bu has been dramatic and he believes it was the result of the hard work that the Board, Management and staff of the Hospital contributed.

The areas of assessment were corporate philosophy, environmental scan and strategic direction of the agency, human resource management and systems, performance reporting. It also included dissemination systems, financial management and control systems, organizational efficiency, work environment improvement initiatives and customer service within initiatives of the agency.

Dr. Sagoe congratulated the Hospital for their performance and urged authorities to work towards translating the performance into the quality of care that patients expect.

Speaking about the assessment, Dr. Gilbert Buckle, the Chief Executive Officer of the Korle-Bu expressed his delight at the hospital’s performance. He said that despite the numerous distractions and challenges faced in the year under review, the significant improvement realized can be attributed to the introduction and focused implementation of the hospital’s strategic plan for 2015-2017.

He disclosed that the priority for the year under review was the introduction of health systems strengthening interventions and was glad that the independent assessment has shown the intervention to be yielding the desired results.

Dr. Buckle also expressed his gratitude to the Board, Management and staff of the hospital for their support and hard work.

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