Tuesday 3 May 2016

Female robber nabbed


Man Arrested Handcuffs 
       The Mile 7 District police have apprehended a female prostitute who is alleged to be part of a gang that has been robbing pedestrians at the Dome market area in Accra.

The suspect, identified as Ruth Oppong, 20 years old, was arrested after she and her alleged accomplice had succeeded in robbing a businessman of his valuables and attempted to escape with the booty.

Her purported accom­plice, named as Victor Kwabla Togbe, a 24-year-old student of Ideal College, was also apprehended.

However, the third accomplice managed to escape arrest.

An Apple MacBook pro laptop which was part of the items taken from the victim,
was recovered by the police from the suspects upon their arrest.

Confirming the arrest to Daily Guide, DSP Edward Tetteh, Command­ing Officer of the Mile 7 Dis­trict Command, said the incident occurred around 11pm on April 29, 2016 at the Dome Market area.

The victim, he said, is a businessman who was returning from a visit to the area.

Besides the Apple MacBook pro laptop valued at about GHC6,000, the police officer said a Samsung Galaxy phone valued at GHC250 and an amount of ?60 were also stolen from the victim.

After collecting the items the suspects bolted but the victim managed to inform a police patrol team in the area about his ordeal. The policemen together with the victim, combed the area and spotted Ruth Oppong holding the bag containing the laptop and arrested her.

Kwabla Togbe was also arrested at the same place.

Upon interrogation, Ruth Oppong told the police that as a prostitute soliciting for customers, the runaway suspect approached her for the night and handed her the bag to keep for him while he passed urine at the back of a nearby store.

She told police that she did not know the sus­pect anywhere but was just handed the bag for safekeeping.

"He was the one I was looking for when the police arrested me," she added.

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