Tuesday 31 May 2016

British physicist Stephen Hawking questions Trump's popularity


St Haw 
British physicist Stephen Hawking doesn't get the appeal of presumptive Republican candidate Donald Trump.In an interview with ITV's Good Morning Britain, Hawking called Trump a "demagogue" who seemed to attract the "lowest common denominator," Mirror online reported.

The prerecorded comments will be broadcast when the show airs at 6 a.m. Tuesday London time. The science superstar was asked if his knowledge of the universe meant that he could explain Trump's popularity. Hawking said, "I can't." Hawking also called on voters to support the U.K. staying in the EU.

"We need to be part of a larger group of nations, both for our security, and our trade," Hawking said. "The possibility of our leaving the EU has already led to a sharp fall in the pound, because the markers judge that it will damage our economy.

Hawking was diagnosed with a motor neuron disease when he was 21, and has been confined to a wheelchair for decades. The world-renowned scientist communicates with the help of a speech synthesizer.

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