Tuesday 31 May 2016

Armed robbers shoot passengers on Yeji-Atebubu road


Shoot Yeji New 
Armed robbers on Sunday evening attacked passengers travelling from Yeji to Atebubu in the Brong Ahafo Region.The criminals shot into the passengers injuring several of them who were immediately rushed to the Atebubu Gov’t hospital where they are being operated upon to remove the pellets.

Three of the victims are currently in critical condition at the hospital’s emergency ward.

A passenger who spoke to Kasapa News stated narrated that they were attacked upon reaching a town known as Kofi Basare.

“We were about negotiating a curve when we saw two cars parked by the road side, we thought the cars had developed a fault so as we moved forward one of the persons standing by the cars suddenly jumped into the middle of the road and started shooting at the bus. In the event the bullets spread and hit several of us.”

The Police have since commenced investigation into the attack.

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