Wednesday 19 October 2016

Update On Silver Lining

Isha lies to Girish that Revati has purchased a new mobile for him and in view of this she destroyed the old one. Ira and Revati are stunned due to Isha's changed attitude.
Daai Maa brings a "Tantrik" to Ojha house to wipe of the evil spirits. Ira and Revati trust that even Isha was controlled by some evil spirit. Girish and Sam tells Isha to come to office with them and distribute the Diwali bonus to the employees. Revati comes up with a rationalization and requests that they let Isha stay back. Isha is stunned as she gets herself tied to a chair and a Tantrik performing some 'puja'. Ira and Revati tell the tantrik that they need Isha to return to normal. The tantric performs the puja and arrives at the conclusion that Isha is not controlled by any evil spirit. Isha turns the tables at Ira and Revati and astutely makes the tantrik trust that they were controlled by evil spirits. The tantrik hits Ira and Revati with a broom to avert the evil spirits. Ira and Revati are compelled to bear the outcomes of their evil intentions. 

Isha cautions Ira and Revati to mend their ways and stop plotting against her. Isha knows the truth that Ira had hired the lady who blamed Sam for assaulting her and cautions her not to create any more problems amongst her and Sam. Revati tells Isha that she is not afraid of her. Isha then undermines Revati that she will disclose the truth to Girish of how she had set Sanskar orphanage ablaze 10 years back. Revati is shocked and chooses to execute of Isha permanently. Revati informs Ira concerning her arrangement to kill Isha. Ira gets stunned and declines to be a part of this arrangement. Ira says that however she abhors Isha the most, she can never go to a extent of killing her. Daai Maa overhears Revati making arrangements to kill Isha and decides thwart her plans. Sam adorns his and Isha's bedroom with candles and spends Some sentimental moments with her. Sam gets a strange feeling that Isha is parting from him when abruptly their photograph frame falls down and breaks. Sam frenzies and feels that it is a terrible sign. Isha relieves Sam and says that she will never part from him.

Daimaa gets occupied with making courses of action for the Diwali party. She gets troubled when she learns that the DVD, which had the video recording of Revathi's plan to set Sanskaar Ashram on fire, was absent. subsequent to viewing the video recording of her conspiracy, Revathi trusts that it must be Isha's arrangement to show the video to the family keeping in mind the end goal to place her stuck in an unfortunate situation. Revathi in this way decides to deal with Isha. In the interim, Daimaa rings Devaki and informs her that the DVD was missing. Devaki is resolved on uncovering Revathi's truth and along these lines chooses to converse with the Police Commissioner who is also going to the party. Revathi discovers Isha on the patio and goes up against her. Isha is ignorant regarding what Revathi was discussing. Isha rejects the allegation yet Revathi does not trust her. Daimaa approaches the Police Commissioner and lets him know that somebody needed to speak an important matter to him. Before Daimaa could give her cell phone to the commissioner, Ira intrudes on her and informs her that Shravan was drunk. Revathi fears that Isha may uncover her truth thus in this way does not permit Isha to go downstairs. Isha tries to escape from Revathi's grasp yet in the middle falls down from the porch. At that moment, a diya suddenly stifles. Samarth get troubled as he trusts it to be a bad sign and fears such Isha's reality was in danger. Revathi surges downstairs and discovers Isha dead. Ira gets stunned when she sees Revathi and Isha. Ira blames Revathi for killing Isha furthermore threatened to inform the family. Revathi counters that she too will inform the family that Ira was helping her to separate Samarth and Isha. In the interim, Daimaa calls Ira. Revathi hears Daimaa's voice and hides Isha's corpse. Daimaa is confused when she sees Revathi in the garden and enquires. Revathi lies to Daimaa that she heard the sound of thecupboardfalling down so she came outside to check. Simply then Samarth goes to the garden and enquires with Daimaa about Isha. Whenever Samarth and Daimaa leave to find Isha, Revathi asks for Ira to help her.

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