Thursday 13 October 2016

Update On Silver Lining

Revati advices Ira to go back to Shravan's home and take his help to separate Isha and Sam. Ira goes back to Shravan's home.
Revati keeps Sam's lunch box prepared by Isha with the security guards. Shravan is stunned to the sudden change in Ira's attitude. Ira informs Shravan regarding Sam and Isha's differences and requests that he help her in her plans. 

Ira requests that Shravan help her in the plan to separate Sam and Isha. Shravan declines to help her in her plans and Ira gets irate. Sam gets crippled as he doesn't receive the lunch and feels that Isha has let him down once more. Isha gets stunned when she comes to realize that the lunch box didn't reach Sam. Isha begins cooking food for Sam once more and chooses to go and give the Lunch Box to Sam herself. Revati sees this and ensures Isha doesn't there reach on time. Regardless of the inaccessibility of the cars and the strike of auto rickshaw , Isha figures out how to reach Sam's office on time. Sam is going to leave for a urgent meeting and gets stunned to see Isha there. Sam declines to eat the food and says that he needs to go for a meeting. Sam requests that Isha take the lunch back home. Isha is sad. Sam sees that Isha is limping as she had sprained her ankle while trying to reach on time and give the lunch to Sam. Sam lifts Isha in his arms and takes her to the car. Shravan is busy with repairing somebody's car in that spot and feels hurt to see Sam picking Isha in his arms. Daai Maa is shocked to see Ira doing the house chores. Shravan too returns home and acts lovingly with Ira. Daai Maa is stunned. Shravan tells Ira that he is prepared to help her in her plans. Ira and Shravan team up and decided to pretend of being happily married with the goal that they can isolate Isha and Sam. 

Daai Maa is shocked to see Ira and Shravan behave lovingly with each other and even agree to have the same room. Daai Maa doubts that Ira and Shravan are pretending to be happily married. Isha enlivens the house and tells Girish and Revati that she will be observing the 'Karva Chauth' fast for Sam's long life. Revati decides not to give Isha a chance to finish the fast. Revati calls Ira and tells her to observe the 'Karva Chauth' for Shravan to make Daai Maa believe that she has accepts Shravan as her husband. Ira chooses to fast but for Sam and not for Shravan. Isha awakens before sunrise to observe the fast. Ira too awakens early and Daai Maa gets stunned as Ira tells her that she will observe the 'Karva Chauth' fast for Shravan. Dai Maa however tells Ira that they don't take after any such custom thus there is no compelling reason to fast. Isha waits for Revati to give her the "sargi" (sumptuous food to be consumed before the sunrise) and "shagun" (symbols of a married woman given as gift by the by the mother-in-law to a daughter-in-law). Revati and Girish give the sargi and shagun to Isha and request that her fast before sunrise while in the meantime Revati plans to break Isha's fast. Revati pot salt in Isha's food and spoils the food which was implied for her fast. 

At long last Daai Maa consents to give Ira a chance to fast for Shravan. Daai Maa is ignorant that Ira is fasting for Sam and not Shravan. Isha is going to eat when she sees the salt sprinkled on the food and stops. Before Isha could eat whatever else, the sun rises and Isha chooses to fast without eating anything. Isha tells Sam to return home early as she is fasting for him and can break the fast simply after of seeing his face. Sam tells Isha not to observe the fast and even declines to get back home early. Isha gets stunned as Daai Maa tells her that Ira too is fasting for Shravan. Isha goes to meet Ira and inquiries her about it. Ira again behaves impolitely with Isha and requests that her not to meddle in her life. Isha is feeling debilitated yet manages to do the house chores. Ira and Revati feel glad to see Isha in a bad mood.

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