Monday 5 September 2016

Update On Silver Lining - Episode 77-79

The children play with fire crackers brought by Chetna. Devki and Revati utilize the fire cracker and set the orphanage burning. Isha tells Sam that Tinnu is arrested by the police.
Sam chooses to go to the police station and admit that he had planned his own kidnapping and get Tinnu out of the remand home. Isha gets stunned to discover that Girish has planned to send Sam back to America. Isha and Sam are shocked they hear Revati and Devki shouting and they see 'Sanskar Orphanage' on fire. Every one of the children came out unhurt while Devki and Revati pretend to be stunned. Indrani gets stunned as Ira is missing. Isha goes inside to save Ira and sees that even Kuhu is caught in the fire. Ira and Kuhu argue Isha to help them. Ira gets staggered as Isha rescues Kuhu and not her. Sam too enters inside and save Ira. Chetna is to extremely  down and out to see the Orphanage burning. Ira is deeply hurt and leaves with Indrani. Next morning the government officials come there together with the police to meet Chetna. The government officials tell Chetna that the fire breakout at the Orphanage on account of her carelessness hence they have decided to suspend the license of the Orphanage. The officials say that the children will be transferred to some other Orphanage. Chetna is bothered while Devki and Revati fake concern. Revati tells Chetna that Tinnu had kidnapped Sam. Chetna is staggered and decided to give the children a chance to be moved to another Orphanage. Every one of the children feel sad.

Every one of the children are depressed to separate from each other yet Isha reassures them. Isha tells everybody that wherever they will be they will dependably stay in touch. Isha and other children promise each other to meet at the same spot after 10 years. Revati and Devki are joyful as their plan has succeeded. Revati gives Devki share of money to her and requests that her leave. Isha is crestfallen as one by one every one of the children leave. Sam too leaves for America. Devki meets Bhola yet he cheats her and grabs away the bag full of cash from her. Devki tries to stop Bhola yet he thrashes her and leaves with the money. Ira goes to the Orphanage with Indrani and finds the two dolls given to her by Isha. Isha is down and out as every one of her friends and Sam have separated from her and considers Ira. Isha is shocked to see Ira there yet Ira ignores her and leaves with Indrani. Sam traveled back to America. Tinnu is down and out as Isha doesn't return to release him from the remand home. Isha runs behind Indrani's car and tries to explain the truth to Ira however in vain. Ira is deeply hurt by Isha's attitude and decides to break ties with her. Isha is broken by Ira's behavior.

10 years cruise by. Isha reaches Mumbai alongside an old woman. Isha has gone to the city of dreams with believe in her eyes that she would discover Ira here. Isha is new to the hustle bustle of the city and finds it extremely bizarre. Isha goes to the address given to her by Arjun to find an accommodation. Isha meets a woman named Purnima who rents her house to her. Later it is uncovered that the old woman who has accompanied Isha and whom Isha takes care of  is none other than Devki. The Festival of Ganeshotsav is being celebrated and Devki gets scared by the noise of drums. Devki has lost her mental balance and Isha is presently her sole caretaker. Isha's landlady Purnima hollers at her and gets some information about Devki. Isha says that she is her close relative who has lost her mental balance and she has got her to Mumbai for treatment. Isha inquires as to whether she has any sign about Ira. Isha is sure that she will find Ira in Mumbai. Some young men come to collect the donation for the Ganeshotsav Festival. Isha is shocked to see Ira Kaushal's name in the register. Isha assumes that it is her Ira. Isha is elated to discover Ira's address and expresses gratitude toward lord Ganesha for helping her find Ira so soon.


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