Monday 5 September 2016

Update On Krishna - Episode 138-140

Sikka Thakurain's aides dress up as the police to deal with Krishna. Krishna gets frightened and leaves her office immediately, after she receives a call.
On her way, she tries to reach Pintu yet he fails to receive the call. Krishna calls up at the landline number and requests the servant tell Pintu to call her back. Chowbey gets befuddled when he discovers that Krishna had left the office in a rush. He rings Krishna and enquires. Krishna requests that Chowbey not stress and guarantees to come back to the office in a while. At the point when Pintu calls Krishna, she informs him about the call, which she had received. Pintu gets stressed and assures to assist Krishna. Ganga alarms on discovering that Pintu had gone to help Krishna. A concerned Ganga asks for Tuntun to help the Krishna and Pintu. To Krishna's dismay, the autorickshaw in which she was voyaging separates. In the business sector, Sikka Thakurain's assistants spruced up as the police surround Vidyapati. According to the plan, one of the aides furtively keeps a gun in Vidyapati's bag. On checking Vidyapati's bag, the aide acting like an inspector finds the Gun. He confronts Vidyapati about it.
In the interim Saraswati is furious as Vidyapati has not yet returned home from the market. In the kitchen Saraswati unintentionally drops an oil bottle. She freezes as she holds it to be a bad sign. To teach Krishna a Lesson, the police assaults Vidyapati. The public attempt to stop the police however fails. One of the Sikka Thakurain's aides cautions the public not to help Vidyapati. At the point when Krishna arrive the market, she finds Vidyapati fallen obviousness in the middle of the road. She tries to look for help yet nobody agrees to help her. Krishna calls Pintu however he can't hear her voice. Pintu is headed to the market. Sikka Thakurain calls up Krishna. Krishna gets incensed on discovering that Sikka Thakurain had plotted against Vidyapati so as to deal with her. After Pintu arrives, he rushes Vidyapati to the hospital. Ravi receives Pintu's call, who informs him about Vidyapati's health. Saraswati blacks out on discovering that some goons had assaulted Vidyapati.


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