Monday 4 July 2016

Marriage boot camp: Lorenzo Gordon tells Brittish Williams he cheated on her with four women

Cast Mboothcamp 

The truth hurts — just ask the couples on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars. On the Friday, July 1, episode of the We TV relationship-rehab show, each pair was clearly struggling with the events of recent days. In the aftermath of Memphitz and Toya’s blowout fight, Toya found herself (randomly) having a heart-to-heart with Lisa D’Amato.

Toya was already in tears as she reasoned that she didn’t want to be with anybody who genuinely didn’t want to be married. While she admitted she wasn’t as affectionate as Memphitz was, she argued that she was giving him everything she’s got. In an effort to be supportive, Lisa thought for a minute and asked, “Why are men so dumb?” She then steered the conversation toward her own issues with Adam Friedman, the biggest of which was his constant use of “the d-word” (i.e., divorce) during their fights.

Inside the house, Memphitz shrugged and said, “I can’t be controlled. I don’t know how to be in a situation where I have to acknowledge someone else’s opinion.” Hmm. Isn’t that like, every situation (not just marriage)?

Shock and Awe

To help the couples break down their communication barriers, directors Jim and Elizabeth Carroll outfitted them with shock bracelets. Whenever someone said something their partner didn’t like, that partner had the power to deliver an electric jolt. “Giving the couples shocking devices allows for two things,” Elizabeth explained. “One is for them to cause a physical reaction to their partner when they feel triggered by them. The other is to physically feel the pain they cause their partner.” At least, that was the idea …

It started out okay as Memphitz delivered a public apology to Toya for screaming in her face. “I just want to apologize in front of y’all to my wife,” he began. “I don’t talk to her like that, and I’m so sorry. I got demons that I got to release.” Adam helpfully pointed out that he had released those demons on his wife, which it seemed Memphitz already knew. Brittish Williams dismissed Memphitz’s attempt to make things right, saying she thought he was “full of s--t.” But at the end of the day, the only person whose opinion mattered was Toya.

She asked him what he meant when he said he wasn’t sure he wanted to be married, and he clarified that what he’d said was he thought he needed to be alone for a while. “Shock me. I don’t care,” he said gruffly. “I don’t know how to do this. I’m out of love.” (Err, was this still part of his apology?) Toya then snapped, “I hate when my husband thinks I can read his mind,” and she shocked him.

That’s when everyone jumped in — but mostly, Tara Reid.

“I hate it when you don’t answer my calls!” she said to Dean May, delivering a jolt. “I hate it that your mailbox is always full!” Another jolt. “I hate it when you don’t return my texts! I hate it when you tell me to shush!” Jolt. Jolt.

Lisa added that she didn’t like it when Adam used “the d-word,” but before she could shock her husband, he shocked her. At this point, Jim and Elizabeth admitted the exercise was getting a little out of hand, and sent the campers off for a midterm review with Judge Lynn Toler. Long story short, she gave them each a few pointers and pretty much forced Lorenzo Gordon to come clean to Brittish about his cheating.

Lorenzo Admitted to Cheating on Brittish — With Four Different Women

Before he fessed up, Lorenzo told his fiancée, “I’m afraid to hurt you — that’s why I haven’t told you the truth yet.” In other words, she better brace herself.

Brittish agreed to keep her cool, provided Lorenzo was honest with her. “If I feel like you’re lying to me, I’m going to beat the s--t out of you,” she warned before asking, “Have you had sex with anyone else since we’ve been together?”

Lorenzo said yes, and Brittish looked crushed. “How many?” she demanded. “More than one? More than two?” Lorenzo mumbled, “Four. Four different women.”

Brittish was understandably reeling from this revelation. “What if you had got some of these women pregnant?” Brittish asked as her eyes welled with tears. “Why do you keep putting our life in jeopardy for some ass?” She paused and collected herself and then said, “If you can’t be faithful to me and respect me enough to love who we are and love who I am, you’re ruining us, and you’re [ruining] me. I can’t do it.”

Lorenzo then got on his knees in front of her and pleaded for forgiveness, insisting he was sorry, and it would “never happen again.” Brittish said she felt disrespected but also weirdly relieved. “I felt like a weight was lifted off me because I knew the truth,” she admitted.

Meanwhile, Lisa and Adam continued to fight about “the d-word,” while Tara and Dean listened from outside, rolling their eyes.

Tara Versus Lisa

Sensing that Tara was not a fan, Lisa said she was “confused” by why Tara hated her. Michelle Money — who was on cloud nine after winning a group canoe challenge with Cody Sattler by her side — offered that Tara couldn’t “make sense of someone who’s a little senseless,” and added that Tara clearly had “a screw loose.”

When Lisa confronted Tara, Tara said, “I just think that sometimes you fight over the same thing for like five days. I don’t do that.” Lisa began arguing that Tara hadn’t responded adequately, when Tara added, “Take my answer, and deal with it how you want.”

Later, to the camera, Lisa recalled that Tara was trying to shut her down from asking questions. “It was like she was trying to shoot ice through my veins.” For her part, Tara complained to the camera that Lisa was always up in everyone else’s business.

Lisa then took Tara to task for not looking her in the eye enough. “Here is eye contact!” Tara shouted as she stared Lisa down. “What part of this don’t you get? I’m not afraid of you! You want to start a fight? I’m not scared of you!” Lisa said she was a fan and Tara said, “Don’t be my fan — be my friend. Don’t even be my friend — just be in the house.” Oh, snap.

The episode ended with Memphitz learning he had to leave the boot camp to appear in court in Atlanta, much to Toya’s frustration. Naturally, everyone began to speculate whether Memphitz would bother to come back.

Tell Us: Do you think Memphitz will return to work on his relationship with Toya?

Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars airs on We TV Fridays at 9 p.m. ET.

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