Tuesday 15 November 2016

Today On Twist Of Fate

The episode starts with Purab driving the car and thinks of Bulbul. He thinks finally he will meet Bulbul and will marry her at the temple.
He thinks to confess his love and thinks everything will be fine. Bulbul thinks everything will be fine once she meets Bulbul. She recalls their happy moments and Sarla’s requesting Abhi to take care of Pragya. Bulbul says she can’t see Pragya’s relation break and she can’t see Sarla in pain. She takes a taxi and leaves.Pragya is in the car and thinks of Aliya and Abhi’s insulting words. She recalls Sarla’s wordsand thinks she have to bring Purab back at hometo make everything fine. Mitali wakes up and calls Robin. Raj come and asks what happened. She asks about Purab. Raj says, he didn’t know anything. Aliyawas blaming Pragya. Mitali says, she thinks the same and tells Pragya is having an affair with Purab. Raj says, I know you will say this. Mitali says, she is really impressed with Pragya. She ishandling so many men at same time and says I shall get this quality. Raj is surprised and shocked.Tanu tries to wake up Abhi. Abhi thinks it is Pragya and calls her chasmish. Tanu gets irked. Abhi says, she irritates me so much. Tanu informs him that Pragya eloped from here. She asks him to read this letter written by Purab and asks him to come along with her. She comes to Aliya and shows her the letter written by Purab for Pragya. Abhi asks, what is written. Tanu tells him that it was Pragya’s plan to make Purab elope from here. Abhi reads the letter. Tanu thinks what will happen if Abhi knows Purab’s handwriting. She lies to him saying she tried to stop Pragya but she said she is going to Purab. Aliya asks Abhi to search and bring them here then they will take drastic step. Tanu informs Abhi that she heard Pragya talking to Purab about meeting at lover’s point. Abhi thanks Tanu and thinks he will catch Pragya.Pragys is in the car. Driver says, they will reach in 2 hours. Pragya gets Sarla’s call. Pragya picksthe call. Sarla asks is everything fine at home. Pragya says yes and asks her not to worry. Sarlaasks her about Purab. She hears the car noise and asks are you outside. Pragya tells her that they are going to temple. Sarla asks her to give the call to Abhi. Pragya tells her that Abhi is driving and says she will talk to her after reaching home. Sarla prays for her daughter’s happiness. Pragya thinks how will Sarla react if she comes to know the truth. She thinks to bring Purab back.Aliya tells Abhi to break relation with Pragya and promises Abhi that she will kill Pragya. Abhi assures her that he will handle everything. Aliya insists to come with him and says she will bring his gun. She says, she will shoot at her heart. She says I will kill her. Abhi tries to calm her down and slaps her. Aliya says, you did wrong. Abhi says, you are upset. I don’t want you to do anything wrong. Aliya promises to be in control but Abhi refuses. He asks her to stay at home and tells Tanu to take care of her until he comes back. Aliya tells him to give her message to Purab that he will see her hatred now and she won’t forgive him. She says, Aliya hates Purab and don’t want to see his face. She cries. Tanu smirks. Abhi is leaving. Dadi calls him and asks where are you going? You should not have talkedto Pragya like that, even Aliya was blaming her. You should support Pragya else she will be alone.Dadi asks him to clear the misunderstanding with Pragya. Abhi says he will talk to her. He is going to meet her. Dadi asks him to go. Abhi thinks may be I tell the truth to Dadi. Pragya thinks Abhi respects my mom and won’t do anything. Abhi is in the car and thinks he won’t spare her. Pragya recalls their past moments. Hethinks about Pragya and says she is not the same. She don’t care about anyone’s feelings. Pragya thinks Abhi gets worried about his Dadi. Abhi thinks she is too smart and have been fooling him. Abhi and Pragya think about each other Music plays.Tanu telling Aliya not to feel low. She says, whatever happened is good as loveless marriage makes situation worse. She says, look what happened to you. Aliya says,she won’t let Abhi’s life ruined. She says, she willget Pragya out of Abhi’s life. Abhi won’t bring herhome. I will get you married to Abhi and rectify my mistake.
Tanu says, she did a mistake by letting Abhi married to Pragya. She says,she will break all her contracts and will marry Abhi so that no one comes in between them.Sarla talks to Beeji about Aliya. She says, don’t know how she is coping up with the situation without a mother. Sarla tells her that she took care of Pragya when her alliance broke up. Beeji says, Pragya used to take care of you. Sarla wonders whyPurab ran away from his marriage. Beeji reads the newspapers and tells her about petrol and diesel increased rate. Sarla asks her to call Bulbul. Beeji calls her but her call is not getting. Sarla calls Purvi and asks her about Bulbul. Purvi says, she hasn’t talk to her. Sarla gets worried and says she will not allow her to step out of house.Purab is waiting for Bulbul. Ishq Kare Ko plays. He sees Bulbil coming towards him. He gets emotional and is about to hug her. Bulbul stops him and says you don’t have any right on me. Why did you come here. Why you took this step? She says, if anyone wrong happens with my Di then you will be responsible for it. You said that you loves me and can do anything for me. Purab says, yes I dolove you but my sacrifice is not worthy. I heard Aliya talking to Tanu. She said she will throw Pragya out after my marriage with Aliya. He says, why I shall marry her when they are sure totake revenge. He hugs her and says he didn’t take wrong decision. He tells her that their life will be saved now.Bulbul says, she don’t need happiness as her happiness lies in her family betterment. She getsscared thinking what will happen to Pragya and cries. She says I hate you…….Purab says, if she throws Pragya out of house after my marriage then you will repent for your decision. My decision is selfish but we don’t have any other option. We can help Pragya if we gets together. We shall get marry. Bulbul says, are you mad. Purab asks her to try to understand.Raj is searching for paper. Mitali says she is watching a movie. Raj says, he did a mistake. Hesees paper in her daughter’s hand who is eating popcorn. He tells that it is his clients tender papers. Mitali says, she doesn’t know. She argues with him and gives the paper back to him.Pragya reaches the lover’s pack and doesn’t findhim. Purab takes Bulbul to the temple. Bulbul says, she doesn’t want this. She tells him that she came here on Pragya’s insistence and she will also come here. Purab gets tensed. He gets Abhi’s call. Abhi tells him that he won’t leave himand the girl for whom he left his sister. He says, you are finished. Purab says, Abhi is very angry now and asks her to come Bulbul says, she won’t go anywhere until Pragya comes here. Purab takes her inside the temple. Pragya waits for Bulbul and hears temple bell ring. She sees them from far. She runs from there.Abhi’s aunty tells Dadi not to worry. She says, Pragya knows Abhi well and knows how to handle her husband. I am worried about our Aliya. Dadi wonders why did Purab break the marriage. Dadi says she won’t forgive him. She says, think about Aliya. Dadi goes to Aliya and says she can understand her pain. She says, Purab don’t deserve you. Aliya says, she will be at peace when Pragya will be out of the house and blames Pragya. Dadi says, you are still thinking the same. Aliya says, you can’t see the truth and is blinded by Pragya. Tanu signs her not to say anything. Dadi says, I won’t let Abhi and Pragya separate. She asks her to take care and leaves.Purab tells Bulbul that everything will be fine after their marriage. Bulbul says, she don’t want to marry him. Purab asks, if you loves me then why can’t you marry me. He asks her to come. Pragya comes and asks him to stop. Pragya asks, are you mad? You left the marriage altar and came here. Purab says, he was getting married to Aliya because of her happiness, but when her happiness is at risked. Pragya is shocked. He asks, why I shall do the sacrifice. Bulbul asks her not to take his words on hearts. Pragya says, she is worried about her maa. Whatwill happen to her if she comes to know about her relation with Abhi. She says, I am living in thefear to lose my maa. I can understand Aliya’s pain well.Abhi comes to the temple and thinks I am going to the place where I don’t go because of you. Purab says, I don’t care about Aliya. I loves Bulbul and will marry her. Pragya says, I told youthat you can’t back off. Why you didn’t think before. Why you didn’t think about Abhi, Dadi. Why did you left Aliya in the marriage altar. You did all the decorations for the marriage, right? Abhi comes and says wow. They get shocked. Pragya turns to see him.

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